Group Management

Group Roles

Many skills are needed to successfully complete a collaborative PBL unit. Each person in the group must own a specific skill set so that the entire group can be productive. These skill sets are defined in the roles below. Read each role and choose the one that best matches your strengths and personality.

Project Manager

  • knows what is going on and who is doing what
  • collaborates with the logistics manager to identify tasks that needs to be done
  • delegates responsibilities evenly to each team member
  • makes sure each person knows what they are required to do and that they are doing those things
  • helps solve problems when they arise

The project manager should be someone who is responsible, organized, can solve problems, and can communicate well with others.

Logistics Manager

  • breaks large tasks down into smaller pieces
  • schedules daily tasks and keeps track of the group's progress
  • manages the team’s Scrum Board
  • collaborates with the project manager to make sure tasks are being completed on time and that the group is on schedule

The logistics manager should be able to schedule and manage multiple complex tasks.


(pronounced lee-A-zon)

  • makes sure that group members are communicating their ideas, needs, and progress
  • takes the lead in finding solutions to problems and answers to questions
    • leads a group discussion to try to figure it out
    • consults other group liaisons
    • consults the teacher with unresolved problems/questions

The liaison should be an effective communicator and highly resourceful.

quality Assurance SPECIALIST

  • makes sure that everything the group does is high quality
  • knows the expectations for each product and ensures that those standards have been met
  • gives approval or denial for tasks to move from “Quality Check” to “Done” on the scrum board
  • determines who should correct problem(s) if approval can’t be given

The quality assurance manager should have great attention to detail.


A contract is a list of responsibilities and expectations that all group members agree to. Once you sign a contract, you agree meet those expectations and are held accountable for them.

Use this template to create your group's contract.




To help your group stay on track and be successful, you will complete the short form below each day. Check in with your Discovery facilitator for more information.

PBL Daily Progress Monitoring


Is your group having trouble? Review the following potential problems and solutions.

Problem: People in my group are off task (distracted, talking, on their phones, playing games) during Discovery time.

Solution: If you feel comfortable, remind them that they aren't following the group norms and ask them to get back on track. If you do not feel comfortable doing this, bring it to the attention of your Project Manager. The PM should have this conversation with the person who is off task. If this behavior continues, tell your teacher so they can help.

Problem: People in my group are not getting their assignments done and are not fulfilling their responsibilities.

Solution: First talk to your Project Manager. The Project Manager should talk to the person who is falling behind to see why this is happening and help them to get back on track. The Project Manager should also tell the teacher so they can help set up a plan to get them back on track.

Problem: I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing.

Solution: Talk to your Project Manager or Logistics Manager. Ask them to help you understand what your responsibilities are. If you're still confused, talk to your Liaison. Let your Liaison communicate with other groups to try to find a solution. If you still don't know what to do, talk to your teacher.

Problem: I'm struggling to keep up with my assignments and deadlines.

Solution: Tell your Logistics Manager and your teacher as soon as you are having problems. Work together to set up a schedule for you to follow.

Problem: Some of my group members aren't getting along.

Solution: Talk to your Liaison. The Liaison should take the lead in trying to talk to the people not getting along to help them work out their problems. The Liaison should also let the teacher know what is going on so that they can help as well.