

The JCI Wisconsin Twinning Program is a voluntary exchange between JCI Wisconsin and JCI Hessen (Germany). Every year, each organization chooses up to 4 delegates to experience JCI and new cultures and ideas in another country.  

The exchange is approximately one week and you will tour the country meeting new chapters and members, sightseeing, representing JCI Wisconsin at international events, and making new friends.

In addition, you will act as hosts to the German delegates during the week they visit Wisconsin. Itineraries are coordinated with local chapters and JCI Wisconsin events.


Each delegate is responsible for traveling to Germany and the costs of any passport requirements approximately $1,000. As part of the Twinning Program, JCI Wisconsin and JCI Hessen sponsors all additional costs including housing, meals, transportation, JCI event fees and costs.

Delegation Selection

Delegates are chosen by involvement in the organization on local and state level, willingness to travel and try new things, and the ability to represent JCI Wisconsin in a positive way. Priority is given to those who have not traveled outside of the US and those who have not experienced the Twinning program.