October 2020 Sessions

Session recordings from the October 2020 Day of Discovery are listed below in alphabetical order.  Participants can earn SCECH credits by completing Zoom recordings from previously recorded sessions. To earn them, please click here!

Disclaimer:  The views and opinions expressed in these sessions do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Jackson County Intermediate School District administration. 

Session Title: Administering Illuminate Assessments and Using Results-Remotely and In Person

Presenter: Jennifer Fox

Session Description: Participants will walk away with the skills needed to administer any pre-built Illuminate assessment product and be able to administer the next day to students. The ability to link to google classroom and sync data results will be shown. We will also demonstrate live proctoring availability (watching students take the test from home) in remote delivery settings. This will be a fast paced delivery with demonstrations happening in real time so the ability to log into Illuminate and work side by side would be beneficial.

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: Administering Illuminate Assessments and Using Results-Remotely and In Person

Session Title: Building Community in the Classroom

Presenter: Jessica Bazan-Deraedt

Session Description: Participants who attend this session will walk away with knowledge about SEL and its importance, as well as ideas and tools they can take back to their classrooms/district. Although a lot of information will be provided to participants, they will have ample time to offer feedback and ask questions about specific SEL needs.

Audience: Elementary and Middle School Teachers,  Administrators, Auxiliary and Support Staff

Link to Recorded Session: Building Community in the Classroom

Session Title: Building Relationships and Classroom Culture in a Blended Environment

Presenters: Janelle Buchler and Jessica Bucklin 

Session Description: In this session, we will introduce the concept of social and emotional learning and provide practical strategies that educators can use to build their classroom community. Participants will leave with face-to-face and virtual tips, tools, and resources to make meaningful connections with students.

Audience: Elementary, Middle and High School Administrators/School Leadership, School Counselors/Social Workers

Link to Recorded Session: Building Relationships and Classroom Culture in a Blended Environment

Session Title: Challenging Behaviors in the Early Childhood Classroom

Presenter: Wendy Bell 

Session Description: This session will help participants identify the “why” of challenging behavior. We will discuss important executive function skills, particularly impulse control. We will also have a brief overview of ACES . The objectives of the workshop include challenging behavior prevention and keeping the classroom safe. We will discuss ways to teach early social-emotional skills as well as how to create an environment that minimizes challenging behavior. Opportunities to discuss and collaborate with other Early Childhood professionals will be provided.

Audience: Early Childhood Education (GSRP), Early Elementary Teachers and Administrators

Link to Recorded Session: Challenging Behaviors in the Early Childhood Classroom

Session Title: Creating Classroom Newsletters with an Early Childhood Focus

Presenter: Chrissy Blackwell 

Session Description: Participants will learn how to create simple newsletters that will engage families and provide curriculum-based learning opportunities in the home.

Audience: Preschool and Early Elementary Teachers and Staff

Link to Recorded Session: Creating Classroom Newsletters with an Early Childhood Focus

Session Title: Differentiation: Strategies to Engage All Learners

Presenters: Jessica Bucklin and Bill Montgomery

Session Description: By the end of the session participants will...

Be able to articulate what Differentiation is and is not.  Deepen their understanding of differentiation through a several strategies that can be used to increase engagement, motivation and build classroom community.  Entry Points, Debate Team Carousel, Tea Party, Analytical Role Cards, The Line Up, Classroom Playlist, Postcards, Flexible Grouping

Audience: Late Elementary, Middle and High School Teachers and Interventionists/Specialists

Link to Recorded Session: Differentiation: Strategies to Engage All Learners

Session Title: Disrupting Poverty: Building Relationships with Students

Presenter: Dan Luciani

Session Description: In this session, we will discuss strategies for building relationships with students in our new environment. We will also use the equity lens to reflect on our current teaching practices, and use this to build empathy for students and their learning environment.

Audience: All Grade  Level Teachers, Administrators and Interventionists/Specialists.

Link to Recorded Session: Disrupting Poverty: Building Relationships with Students

Session Title: Disrupting Poverty: Holding High Expectations for Your Students

Presenter:  Dan Luciani

Session Description: In this session, we will discuss equity within the "classroom" and how to hold and maintain high expectations for all students, but with a focus on those who may be living in poverty.

Audience: All Grade Level Teachers, Administrators and Interventionists/Specialists.

Link to Recorded Session: Disrupting Poverty: Holding High Expectations for Your Students

Session Title: Embracing the Limits of Teaching in a Pandemic: Appreciative Inquiry as A Way Forward

Presenter:  Jack Baker

Session Description: How do we (teachers and administrators) navigate the uncharted waters of COVID-19, when the work we’ve always done is upended, when our classrooms are machine-driven and many of our students remote? Should we ignore our challenges, sailing on as though nothing has changed? While this idealism is noble, it is impractical; we are all limited in our capacity to handle so many emails, so many absent students, so many future uncertainties that will only add to the problems we’re facing now. 

What if, instead of working to anticipate or correct the problems we’re facing, we consider a different paradigm, one that embraces the limits of teaching in the midst of a pandemic, that practices a particular mode of inquiry that focuses instead on what we do well.

In this session, I will lead us through a process known as Appreciative Inquiry (AI). AI differs from traditional problem solving methods—which often seek to identify and resolve every observed problem—instead embodying a collaborative approach that focuses participant attention on the creativity and talent of existing employees, encourages positive innovations, and shapes an organizational culture that respects, supports, and values employees. Closely linked to Asset Based Community Development (ABCD), AI hones in on the skills, resources, and abilities we already possess, rather than organizational deficiencies. 

In this session we will practice appreciation for our teachers and administrators and collaborate to make some sense of our predicament, imagine a way forward, and encourage each other along the way!

Audience: All Grade Level Teachers, Administrators, Interventionists/Specialists , Support Staff and Community Members

Link to Recorded Session: Embracing the Limits of Teaching in a Pandemic: Appreciative Inquiry as A Way Forward (Passcode: 3HY&=M2h)

Session Title: Engaging Parents in This Distance Learning Environment: Real Conversations, Feedback, and Tips

Presenter: Janelle Buchler, Kelly Sheppard and Jennifer Ganzel

Session Description: In this session, participants will gain a better understanding of the realities that impact families and children in our community, hear real life stories of the barriers and challenges parents face, and learn innovative ways to engage families in our work. Participants will network with one another and gain resources and tools that they can utilize with families they work with.

Audience: Administrators, Teachers and GSRP Program Directors

Link to Recorded Session Engaging Parents in This Distance Learning Environment: Real Conversations, Feedback, and Tips

Session Title: Flipgrid: Beyond the Basics

Presenter: Kellie DeLosSantos

Session Description: Make the most out of your face-to-face time with Flipgrid and learn how to use it best in a remote environment. This session is meant to dive deeper into Flipgrid.

Audience: All Grade Levels

Link to Recorded Session: Flipgrid: Beyond the Basics

Session Title: Free & Unlimited Screen Recording With Loom

Presenter: Du Bui

Session Description: Loom is a free and easy to use screencasting tool for educators and students. They have committed to providing free pro accounts for teachers and students without an end in sight. Screencasting is critical to successful blended and online learning. In this session, you will learn how to use Loom and create a quality screencast before you leave.

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: Free & Unlimited Screen Recording With Loom

Session Title: Getting Organized with Google (Drive, Tasks) and Trello

Presenter: Jessica Bucklin

Session Description: Participants will learn some simple tech tricks to help keep yourself organized using Google Drive, Google Tasks and Trello.

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: Getting Organized with Google (Drive, Tasks) and Trello

Session Title: Getting Started with the Next Generation Science Standards Virtually

Presenter: Bill Montgomery

Session Description: Whether you are teaching virtually or face-to-face, this session will go over the basics of how you could begin each of your units in an NGSS aligned science classroom. Participants will actively participate in a science lesson in which we launch the anchoring phenomenon using virtual tools to construct driving question boards and scientific models.

Audience: Late Elementary, Middle and High School Teachers and Interventionists/Specialists

Link to Recorded Session: Getting Started with the Next Generation Science Standards Virtually

Session Title: Google Classroom: Best Tips and Tricks for Remote Learning

Presenter: Kellie DeLosSantos

Session Description: Participants will explore tips and tricks about how to use Google Classroom in a remote environment. We will explore topics, commenting, differentiation, using the Google Classroom app on an iPad/iPhone and more. *Prior to attending this, please watch the "Getting Started with Google Classroom Webinar" or the Google Classroom Technology Tidbits so you have a basic understanding of Google Classroom tools. 

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: Google Classroom: Best Tips and Tricks for Remote Learning

Session Title: Guided Reading 101 for Grades K-2

Presenter: Maeghan McCormick

Session Description: In the session, participants will become familiar with the framework of a guided reading lesson in order to engage students with a rich variety of texts and foster an effective and efficient reading processing system.

Audience: Early Elementary

Link to Recorded Session: Guided Reading 101 for Grades K-2

Session Title: Illuminate Personalized Review Assignments and Virtual Learning

Presenters:  Kara Klotz and Jennifer Fox

Session Description: During this session we will cover what a Personalized Review Assignment (PRA) is and how to create them in Illuminate.

Audience: All Grade Level Teachers and Administrators

Link to Recorded Session: Illuminate Personalized Review Assignments and Virtual Learning

Session Title: Legal Updates; Section 504 & Title II of the ADA

Presenter:  Jeff Butler

Session Description: Mr. Butler will provide an overview of the law, who is covered, creating 504 plans & discipline for students with 504 plans.

Audience: All Grade Level Teachers and Administrators

Link to Recorded Session: Legal Updates; Section 504 & Title II of the ADA

Session Title: Level Up with Google Forms

Presenter: Christopher Walker

Session Description: Google Forms is a fantastic tool that can be used in so many different ways. Throughout this session, we will discuss how to create a Google Form by adding different question types, Google Forms built-in features, how to organize your questions, and ways in which you can use them in a classroom.

Audience: All Grade Level Teachers, Administrators and Support Staff

Link to Recorded Session: Level Up with Google Forms

Session Title: Making the most of Google Slides in a Remote Environment

Presenter: Kellie DeLosSantos

Session Description: Join us to learn tips and tricks with Google Slides for both the classroom and professional environment.

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: Making the most of Google Slides in a Remote Environment

Session Title: Mastering Formative Assessment Systems in my Classroom for Online Instructional Delivery

Presenter: Jennifer Fox

Session Description: You will explore all 10 components to a formative assessment system. You will explore some online tools for formative assessment functionality of delivery in an online structure. Many of these tools can be used both in person and with a remote instructional delivery. Leave this session with a map of what your planned next implementation steps are.

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: Mastering Formative Assessment Systems in my Classroom for Online Instructional Delivery (Passcode: Pt=xy8^Z)

Session Title: Mental Health 101

Presenter: Rebecca Calkins

Session Description: Learn how to recognize signs and symptoms of common mental illnesses like depression and anxiety, the warning signs of suicidal thoughts and how to get youth to the appropriate help.

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: Mental Health 101

Session Title: Prioritizing the R’s!

Presenter:  Scott Buchler and Amanda Anspaugh

Session Description: How do you order your R’s? For years we have been professionally developed around Rigor, Relevance, and Relationships. At NWHS we have shifted our mindset to reorder the R's knowing through experiences rigor and relevance does not happen without relationships. In this presentation you will learn what NWHS does to support our whole child, whole staff and whole community through our tiered system.

Audience: Middle and High School Teachers and Administrators

Link to Recorded Session Prioritizing the R’s!

Session Title: Putting the T in STEM

Presenter: Catherine Brubaker and Wendy Bell

Session Description: Participants will use their knowledge of early childhood development and best practice to make space for technology within their classroom daily schedule. NAEYC's joint position statement will be introduced and activities will focus on how to become a 21st century learner of technology to then become a 21st century teacher of technology.

Audience: Preschool and Early Elementary

Link to Recorded Session: Putting the T in STEM

Session Title: Schoology & Google For Blended and Online Learning

Presenter: Du Bui

Session Description: So you are using Schoology instead of Google Classroom? This does not mean that you can not utilize and infuse G Suite for Education into Schoology. When you infuse G Suite with Schoology it can become a rich online and blended learning experience for your Students.

Audience: Middle and High School

Link to Recorded Session: Schoology & Google For Blended and Online Learning

Session Title: Seesaw 2.0

Presenter: Christopher Walker

Session Description: Seesaw 2.0 is all about the next steps in your Seesaw journey. We will go beyond the basic information needed to create/run a Seesaw course and look at how you can begin to modify the platform to best fit your needs. Some of the topics we will discuss are adding large videos, creating movable activities, the classroom blog, manipulating the skills feature for grading purposes, and more.

Audience: Preschool, Early Elementary and High school Teachers and other Staff

Link to Recorded Session: Seesaw 2.0

Session Title: Special Education Legal Updates

Presenter: Jeff Butler

Session Description: Up-to-date information about providing special education during a global health pandemic, current legal trends and avoiding legal pitfalls and mistakes.

Audience: All Grade Level Teachers and Administrators

Link to Recorded Session: Special Education Legal Updates

Session Title: Taking a Look at Our Own Privilege

Presenters: Heather Holshoe and Janelle Buchler

Session Description: Participants will engage anonymously in activities to help better understand our own privilege and implicit bias.

Audience: Everyone

Link to Recorded Session: Taking a Look at Our Own Privilege

Session Title: Technology Tips to Support All Students

Presenters:  Du Bui, Jessica Bucklin and Christopher Walker

Session Description: Participants will discover a variety of technology tips and tricks that support the needs and learning styles of all learners including accessibility features with Chromebooks and Apple products as well as in the G-Suite.

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: Technology Tips to Support All Students

Session Title: The Heart Zones Factor: Practical Measurement, Advocacy and Power for YOUR Physical Education Program

Presenters: Dr. Debra Berkey and Eric Swihart

Session Description: Reliable program evaluation that is objective, observable and measurable is critical for physical educators who seek to demonstrate their role in programs that prepare students to pursue healthy, active lifestyles. This session will provide an overview of Heart Zones Move including daily operation, individualization for students, reports, performance assessment for teachers. A companion program, ePE, will also be presented as an option for teachers facing the challenges of virtual education. Come ready to learn and MAP your strategy to incorporate HZ in your program.

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: The Heart Zones Factor: Practical Measurement, Advocacy and Power for YOUR Physical Education Program

Session Title: Using the Michigan Model for Early Childhood Health in a Blended Learning Environment

Presenters: Wendy Bell and Eric Swihart

Session Description: Participants will receive an overview/refresher of the Michigan Model for Health Early Childhood Kit. An example of engaging virtual learners in one of the MMH activities will be presented. Participants will spend a majority of this session exploring and collaborating in small groups to create a virtual presentation of one of the Kit Activities.Participants will capture their ideas creatively using technology. Participants will come back together in a large group and share their ideas.

Audience: GSRP Teaching Teams that have received a Michigan Model for Early Childhood Kit

Link to Recorded Session: Using the Michigan Model for Early Childhood Health in a Blended Learning Environment

Session Title: Wellness in a Virtual World

Presenter: Caitlin Williams, Kelsea Jabkiewicz and Becca Hurst

Session Description: Participants will be equipped with a wellness activity protocol while hosting professional development, will know how to access wellness resources and will be able to utilize mindfulness strategies for self-care.

Audience: All Grade Level Educators

Link to Recorded Session: Wellness in a Virtual World