
Sessions are listed below in alphabetical order. You do NOT need to sign up for individual sessions when you register.

Recordings and other materials will be available to view after the Advancing Behavioral Health Summit

Session Title: Cultivating Resilience During Uncertain Times

Presenter: Brenda Lindsay

Session Description: Participants will learn what the stress response is, how to develop resilience and will participate in self-care practices.

Link to Recorded Session: Cultivating Resilience During Uncertain Times

Session Title: Intro to Cross Cultural Conversations

Presenter: Marie Bonkowski

Session Description: This one hour workshop will provide participants an introduction to the 4 hour Cross Cultural Conversations workshop. In this hour, participants will begin to work toward improving sensitivity in communication and gaining a clearer understanding of the effects of privilege and unconscious bias and steps to overcoming barriers.

Link to Recorded Session: "Intro to Cross Cultural Conversations

Session Title: "It's Your Life": A comprehensive worksite wellness program

Presenter: Julie Bloomfield

Session Description: You will learn about the comprehensive "It's Your Life" program administered within some local businesses. Learn why and how worksite wellness programming can help improve the behavioral health of employees.

Link to Recorded Session: "It's Your Life": A comprehensive worksite wellness program

Session Title: Leadership in the Field of Prevention: Beyond the Minimum Requirements

Presenter: Lousie Montag

Session Description: As demographics and state requirements shift, it is crucial to prepare and build the next generation of prevention leaders' capacity so we can continue to grow and advance the field. Meanwhile, current conditions are creating huge demands on prevention specialists. In the past 5 years, our field has had to face the emergence of the opioid crisis, a critical look at diversity, equity, and inclusion practices throughout our work, and a deadly, global pandemic that has dramatically changed the landscape and the context of where and how prevention can happen in our communities. This session will discuss the history of prevention, current changes impacting the field, and how to build the capacity of new professionals to further prevention efforts in the community. Participants will leave the presentation with actionable steps to bring new champions to the table and increase the capacity of those in their coalition. This presentation is geared toward experienced prevention specialists in the field.

Link to Recorded Session: Leadership in the Field of Prevention: Beyond the Minimum Requirements

Session Title: Lethal Means Safety: Overdose Prevention

Presenter: Alissa Harris

Session Description: Lethal Means are objects, such as medications, that can be used to inflict self-directed violence. Lethal Means Safety (LMS) is an intentional, voluntary practice to reduce one’s suicide risk by limiting access to those lethal means. Research shows that those with a Substance Use Disorder have higher rates of suicide when compared with depression with Opioid Use Disorder consistently among the highest rates of suicide. In particular, Veterans are at higher risk for both Suicide as well as Opioid Overdose. This training will provide you with education around the intersection of Substance Use and Suicide and strategies to reduce access to medications for those in crisis as a strategy for preventing both accidental and intentional overdose

Link to Recorded Session: Lethal Means Safety: Overdose Prevention

Session Title: LifeWays Crisis Services-Services Offered and Accessing Care

Presenter: Jessica Tucelli

Session Description: We will be discussing the process and details of petitions for mental health treatment, generally when inpatient hospitalization is recommended and potential alternatives to hospitalization, when/how to refer someone to services at LifeWays, and time for questions and further explanation as needed. The takeaway should be a better understanding of the offerings of Crisis Services.

Link to Recorded Session: LifeWays Crisis Services-Services Offered and Accessing Care

Session Title: Managing Anxiety for Self-Care and in Caring Effectively for Others

Presenter: Martha York

Session Description: Anxiety is largest mental health concern in the country. This presentation will help attendees recognize symptoms of anxiety and learn strategies for self-care as well as how to best support a person you are caring for who is experiencing anxiety.

Link to Recorded Session: Managing Anxiety for Self-Care and in Caring Effectively for Others

Session Title: Pandemic Burnout

Presenters: Stephanie Schweda

Session Description:

How to recognize and address normal symptoms of emotional distress

Practical ways to reduce the symptoms of burnout

How to can get free, confidential emotional support when you need it

Where to find helpful brochures, videos, and other support services

Link to Recorded Session: Pandemic Burnout

Session Title: Psychological First Aid: Supporting students during a pandemic

Presenters: Stephanie Schweda

Session Description:

1. How to recognize emotional, physiological, and behavioral signs of distress in students.

2. Why Psychological First Aid (PFA) works

3. How to apply the “Listen, Protect, Connect” model of PFA

4. How to relieve your own feelings of stress and burnout

Link to Recorded Session: Psychological First Aid: Supporting students during a pandemic

Session Title: Removing Barriers and Promoting Mental Health and Wellness in the Community: The Engagement Team at LifeWays

Presenter: Courtney Edgar

Session Description: In this session, participants will learn about the work of the Engagement Team at LifeWays and our mission to bring mental health treatment to the community. This session will discuss common barriers to treatment, our methods for eliminating these barriers, and the importance of community outreach and partnerships to bring mental healthcare to everyone.

Link to Recorded Session: Removing Barriers and Promoting Mental Health and Wellness in the Community: The Engagement Team at LifeWays

Session Title: Suicide Risk Identification and Safety Planning

Presenter: Alissa Harris

Session Description: There are a variety of tools that have been developed to promote best practices in screening individuals for suicide risk. Research does not support one tool over another but does support using a tool that promotes evaluation and management of suicide risk thereby improving quality of care for at-risk individuals and help reduce stigma associated with discussions about suicide. This training will review tools utilized nationally by VA and ways that these or similar tools can be utilized by community-based organizations to screen and stratify suicide risk.

Link to Recorded Session: Suicide Risk Identification and Safety Planning