Important Things to Know

(SSI, SSDI, Medicaid Waivers, Guardianship Alternatives)

According to a 2016 study by the University of New Hampshire’s Institute on Disabilities (IOD), disabled Americans face escalating challenges in finding employment, earning a living, avoiding poverty and staying healthy. Although people with disabilities face obvious physical difficulties, financial difficulties are just as serious. 

People with disabilities also face many barriers to basic human rights because of their disability. There are laws written to protect them but many times require the support of legal action to make others comply. The laws are difficult to navigate for people with disabilities and their families. There are many resources, some free of charge, to help.

It is important for people with disabilities and their families to learn their rights. Laws are constantly changing making it further difficult to understand. Get help! Do not just give up because you don't know or understand. 

What’s your plan? Once the bus stops coming and school ends, what will your child do with his or her day?

What Are Waivers and How Do They Work?

How to Add Your Child to Interest Lists

You do not have to prove your child is eligible before adding them to the waiver interest lists. Your child will go through this process once they move to the top of the list. Only then is the eligibility information reviewed and used to decide if your child can enroll.

Guadianship and Alternatives

National Resource Center for Supported Decision Making – The NRC-SDM builds on and extends the work of 

Quality Trusts Jenny Hatch Justice Project.  Here you will find user friendly resources, guides, and toolkits to help older adults and people with disabilities exercise their Right to Make Choices, as well as real-life supported decision making stories and videos.

Texas Council for Developmental Disabilities – Guardianship Alternatives

Texas Guardianship Reform and Supported Decision Making

Texas Health & Human Services: Advance Directives – This resource explains the different legal documents that allow individuals to convey their decisions about end-of-life care ahead of time. Options to consider for adults with disabilities may include the Medical Power of Attorney and the Declaration for Mental Health Treatment.

The Arc of Texas – Alternatives to Guardianship

The Legal Framework for the Child Centered Process – Adult Students and Transfer of Rights

Transition Coalition – Links to free webcasts and other resources related to Guardianship & Supported Decision Making