
Welcome to Music!

Hello! My name is Ms. Nicholes and this will be my fourth year of teaching elementary music! I went to school at Midwestern State University and graduated with a degree in Music Education EC-12. I am so excited to sing, dance, and play instruments with all of my classes this year and helping the community grow. We will be learning about various cultures and languages throughout the school year to discover different parts of the world. There will be many opportunities for everyone to perform this year so stay posted for announcements!

DCES Choir

Choir auditions will be held during each music class for the 2023-2024 school year. All fourth and fifth grade students are welcome to try out for the club. Due to the high number of students that attend the campus there will be a limit as to how many can join.

 All rehearsals will be held on Tuesdays after school and will end at 4:30 pm. Please make the appropriate arrangements for someone to come pick your child up at that time. If your child is interested in trying out, please download and read the guidelines before printing off the affirmation form.

Choir Information

Parent Permission Letter 2023


Read all guidelines before completing the form.

Spanish Parent Permission Letter 2023


Lea todas las pautas antes de completar el formulario.

DCES Student and Parent Affirmation


Please complete the form and return to Ms. Nicholes.

Spanish DCES Student and Parent Affirmation


Por favor complete el formulario y devuélvalo a la 

Sra. Nicholes.