
The JLMS community wants to see more of you!

Whether you donate you money, time or efforts, you're making a big difference to the JLMS students and the community.

Donate money
Support the Bulldog Fund!

Donate directly anytime

Donate by joining the PTSA

Do I need a PayPal account?

You do not need to have a PayPal account to donate! Simply click the Donate button above and choose "Donate with a Debit or Credit".

Where does my donation go?

When you join the PTSA, the first $5 of your donation will go to our local PTA district, which helps fund training, financial platforms and friendly helpful guidance from the San Francisco Second District PTA chapter.
The rest comes directly to our James Lick MS Bulldog Annual Fund.

Can others donate in support of my child?

Yes, they can! Donating does make anyone a parent member. Share this link with those who wants to make a difference in your child's community.

What do I commit to if I join?

Joining is not a commitment to come to PTSA meetings. We’d love it of you do and give us your vote on budget and other key decisions. But becoming a member just to make donation(s) count works for us too!

Donate when you shop

How does it work?

Link your personal account to 5389 James Lick Middle School PTSA and remember to always start your purchases at Amazon will donate a 0.5% of the price of your eligible AmazonSmile purchases to the school.

How can I do this?

How does it work?

Register your Frequent Buyer Card and FoodsCo will donates a percentage of your purchases to James Lick.

What if I don't have a card?

Email Ms. Ortiz or Ms. Silvia to ask for one and register it above!

Be sure to select James Lick Middle School PTSA # EM759

How does it work?

Sign up for the Rainbow Grocery Scrip program online, at Customer Service kiosk, or at the register directly.

Then shop away! But don’t forget to ask the cashier to look you up and apply Scrip during checkout. Rainbow donates a 10% of your purchases to James Lick!

Donate time
Volunteer today!

All languages and skills are needed
Ask your child’s teachers how you can help. Email them and ask by logging into your SFUSD ParentVue account.

Join the Parent Engagement Team
Attend their workshops or help coordinating them.

Your opinions matter

Call the main office at (415) 695-5675 to offer your suggestions and inquire how to help.

Donate efforts
Join an organization!

James Lick MS

African American Parent Advisory Committee

English Learner
Advisory Committee

SFUSD School Site