
Each level of Government has a unique role in a crisis.

Key Challenge

Government has a social contract with its citizens. In a crisis, citizens look for decisive action, reassurance, and a path to the future.

How do you lead in crisis?

When your country is relying on you to lead, decisions that you make today will impact multiple-generations.

Local governments are on the front lines of any crisis - everyday you can make a choice to help your community.

Regional mobilizaiton and coordination requires solving for complexity and unknowns.

Responding to a global crisis, National Governments can enact policies to mobilize people and the economy.

Expert advice related to working while maintaining the Six Feet Apart concept, specified by functional departments.

Six Feet Apart examples of solutions related to social distancing within governmental institutions.

Our Committee of experts regarding governmental institutions.

Our Committee of experts regarding governmental institutions.

1. Overall titleCoronavate ?? maybe IXL should save the name and website??

2. Use the IXL structure IO, starting with confronting the brutal facts and trends, followed by Fields of Play

3. My guess is that McKinsey, BCG, Deloitte, etc. will be doing similar to GIMI.

4. If IXL develops a template, people can input easier

5. Eventually, will need strategies for sectors/institutions (governments, universities, large business, small business)

and collaborative self-survival clusters of people, families, and individuals

6. Will need segmented strategies

7. IMO, crashes coming

–Massive increase in Insurance/re-insurance/Lloyds, corporate, and personal bankruptcies

--Cash crunch at individual, family, friends, small company, large company levels

--Move to COD as reluctance to provide credit and fights over receivables

--All global airports and borders to essentially shut down in next two weeks and 3-6 months to re-open gradually

--Mutated coronavirus and uptick in Fall infections with colder weather.

--Realization that almost everyone will have the coronavirus and most vulnerable will die as speed of quarantine facilities

--Increase in digital divide between those with internet and those not

--Angry reactions in developed world as not enough money to bail out everyone.

--Major reduction in philanthropy, as wealthy portfolios decimated

--Developing worlds, homeless, and climate change put to the side, as people focus on family issues

--Increased mental health problems as many people cannot cope with speed of income, job, debt, family health, as reality changes

8. Am in the middle of needed technologies

--Mage Networks high-speed easily deployed wireless data pipelines (not 5G cell towers)

--RoboGarden online interactive learning of coding skills from K to professional certification

--Better Workplace –well-tested robust plans and software for remote/virtual/telework

--Global eTraining drag-drop platform for training (used globally for AutoDesk)

9. Believe that within 5 years, everyone everywhere will contract a form of the coronavirus, but good plans are needed to smooth the acceleration

and families will need to re-structure who does what/when/where

10. Above all, I/we will survive through entrepreneurial thinking
