id cards

Northwood High School ID cards are required on campus every day for all library activities.  Student ID cards are required to check-out library books, textbooks, and other instructional materials. Replacement cards cost $5.00, available in the Student Activities Center. 

circulation information

Books are checked out for a two-week period.  Up to 3 books may be checked out at any time. Students must have their student ID card to check out any book.  

Student borrowing privileges will be suspended until all overdue materials are returned to the library and/or lost book replacement costs have been paid. The Northwood High School Library does not charge any overdue fines.  

Renewals up to two times are available, upon presentation of the book, unless there is a hold. Students may place a hold on library books by making a request at the circulation desk. When the material is available, a call slip will be sent to the student and they will have 3 days to come to the library to check it out.  

Checked-out library books will have the due date stamped. Please return your books on time.

Library books may be returned in the book drop at the circulation desk.  


2024-2025 NHS Adopted textbooks

Textbooks are books assigned by the teacher to the class as a whole in support of the curriculum. This includes designated core and supplemental reading novels. Students are required to return all textbooks at the conclusion of a class, if a class/teacher change occurs, at the direction/request of the teacher and/or the library staff, or if the student checks out of Northwood High School. Some courses do not require textbooks. Unless specified in a student's IEP (Individualized Education Plan) or 504 Plan, under doctor's orders, or requested by Administration, students are not issued more than one copy of the same textbook. Students are responsible for the care and preservation of all instructional materials checked out to them. All textbooks checked out to the student must be returned in good, usable condition, with the barcode still attached to the book. Students and their parents are financially responsible for any damage or loss. 

lost or damaged library materials

Students are responsible for library and textbook materials checked out to them. If damaged or lost, students are responsible for paying the replacement cost. Books purchased from another source (i.e. Amazon) are not accepted in lieu of payment. The Northwood High School Library accepts cash and a receipt will be provided. A refund will be issued if that specific library material is found and returned in usable condition in the same school year in which it was lost.  

All library fines must be paid before diploma can be issued. Fines carry over from year to year and follow students from school to school within IUSD

California Ed Code Section 48904(a)(1) holds parents or guardians responsible for the cost of replacing a textbook that is willfully defaced or not returned.  Students are responsible for the damage or replacement cost of school district books. 

library rules

Food, Candy and Drinks, other than water in a resealable bottle, are not allowed in the library.  

Cell phones must be on Silent mode. Phone conversations or voice messaging must be handled outside. Cell phone use is permitted to complete assignments.

A Northwood High School ID card is required to check out library materials. 

Do not rearrange the chairs or tables. Do not sit on tables. One student per chair and push in your chair after use. 

A Student Hall Pass is required during class hours. However, students with open periods may stay in the library, if space is available. Class schedules will be checked randomly.   

If you leave the library, be sure to take your belongings with you.

The library is a quiet place to read, study, think, and write. Please be considerate of others when using the library. If you behave inappropriately, you will be dismissed. Failure to comply may result in suspension of library privileges.

safe space

The library is a safe and inclusive space. Please help us keep the library a place for respect and peace for all in our school community.