STEM Lending Library

IU5 is a member of the PA STEM Lend Ecosystem.  Partnership with this ecosystem offers Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit an opportunity to network with other Intermediate Units across the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to provide a lending library of STEM resources and training materials.  

Our lending library services reach Erie, Crawford, and Warren County teachers.  To take full advantage of the resources provided by PA STEM Lend, follow the steps below to create an account, log in, start training, and request equipment.

Directions for getting started.

Step 1: Click on ➡️ PA STEM Lend to navigate to the website.

Step 2: Create an account using the "Register" button in the top right hand corner.

Step 3: Once your account is created, a username will be autogenerated.  Then, click the "Add Position" button to identify Northwest Tri-County Intermediate Unit 5 (Edinboro, PA) as your organization. Finally, identify your role within your school building as your Title. 

Step 4: Your account creation is successful when you see the green confirmation.

Step 5: To view available resource and modules for IU5, click on the "Resources" tab found in the middle of the webpage. 

Step 6: Choose a resource by clicking on the item name. 

Begin training on this device, click "Enroll" then "Start". 

Begin reservation on this device, click "New Reservation".  

If you have any questions or concerns regarding this training site, please reach out to or