About Me

There were some experiences that taught me valuable lessons.

North Hall Activities Council (NHAC)

In my freshman year, I was a part of the North Hall Activities Council (NHAC). We would plan, promote, and prepare events throughout our dorm. I was the marketing coordinator for the group. Meaning I had to advertise the best way I can. This experience taught me a lot about innovation because I was always coming up with new designs for flyers, new ways to advertise such as groupme, and seeking input from other members of the council.

21st Century Peer Mentoring Program

Sophomore year, I became a mentor for 21st Century. This was a program I'm most proud of because I did a lot of growth with this group. I used to be very introverted and afraid to get out of my comfort zone. One day, I decided to take a chance and apply, and it was a decision I'll never regret. With this experience, I learned so much about teamwork through group sessions, office hours, and one-on-one meetings. I also got out of my comfort zone more by meeting many new people and trying new things. Plus, I made memories that I'll carry with me forever.

Indiana Roof Ballroom

Although I've worked here for a short time, I definitely learned something from my time with this experience. This job taught me a lot about customer service and how we treat people. It's professional to put our own feelings aside and make every person's experience better than when they first came in. Being a banquet server has really helped me realized it's important to be polite. Also that being a waiter/waitress is never an easy thing to do.

FedEx Ground

This is my current job. And throughout the few months working here, I'm continuing to learn an important lesson in teamwork. It takes many people to guide packages, scan them, load them, and have them ready to deliver to customers. Although we don't have the experience with regular customers, that does give us time to focus on our duties as either a manager, switcher, package handler, etc.