
Internship Goals

  1. How To Effectively Balance the Workload of School and Work: Working a strict schedule of 10 hours a week to complete lab tasks and shadowing various scientific activities. This will require me to stay on top of both scientific responsibilities in the work place as well as academic responsibilities.

  2. Understand the Foundation Of Scientific or Psychiatric Research (Software used, etc.) Reading scientific literature, shadowing study visits as well as being actively involved in the recruitment and following process. This will give me a first-hand experience in the different regulations and scientific frameworks that guide psychiatric research.

  3. How to Efficiently and Ethically Conduct Research Involving Human Subjects. CITI Training Being involved in the research will give me many opportunities to be mentored HIPPA Training

I have managed to finish all training involving the ethical conduction of research using human subjects. Over the next few years I hope to implement this training in more lab settings to keep it ingrained.

Career Goals

As of now, my professional growth goals this year are mainly centered around getting my foot in the door of psychiatric research. This internship has already been an amazing opportunity to make connections and learn from some amazing minds in Psychiatry.

My current career goals are to become an adolescent Psychiatrist. I chose this goal purely based on my passion because mental illness is very prominent in my family and very stigmatized in Arab culture. I hope that through my career I can contribute to the de-stigmatization of mental health care in minority populations. I am very sure of this career option and I am using this internship to figure out if this goal fits my strength, as of now I definitely see this goal as worth working towards and believe I can excel in the field. I can explore this pathway more this year and in the rest of my time at IUPUI through shadowing various physicians in the field of Psychiatry. Because it is such a dynamic field, there are so many professionals I can observe working in completely different areas or demographics.

To reach my goals this semester, it is important for me to collaborate with my supervisors and explicitly inform them of how they can best assist me. I have not yet experienced an MRI scan first hand and this is something I can get done by communicating with my supervisors and attending a scan visit.

My goals are essentially the same as my original LHSI goals but I can confidently say that I have crossed some of them off the list such as proficiency in RedCAP.

This month towards my goal, I can fine-tune my portfolio so that I can use it to showcase my experiences to future employers or professional school committees. During the spring, the best way to work towards my goal is to continue focusing on my school work and possibly look into shadowing experiences with physicians.

My time at my internship has made me feel significantly more confident that the path I have chosen is right for me. I am engrossed in the knowledge that I am gaining and feel glad that I am able to gain this experience before attempting to go to professional school. I now feel quite confident in my self-knowledge and preferences and in using that to make career-related decisions.