About Me

I am a sophomore in the IUPUI Honors College and I am pursuing a Bachelor of Science in Neuroscience. I chose this major because I have a deep interest in behavioral health and the complex nature of the brain. There is so much left to be studied regarding this crucial part of the human body and I hope to be on the forefront of this research.


As a team member, I believe I bring many strengths to the table but also that I have a lot to learn from others. I am a very dynamic team member in the sense that I can adjust to various work environments quickly. I also view myself as a dedicated contributor to any project. I like things to be done right and I will continue to improve upon myself and my contributions until they are up to the standards my team deserves.

My Experiences and Skills

Prior to becoming a part of the Hulvershorn Lab I was an assistant teacher for the Quran program at my local mosque. This experience taught me how to be a good leader, especially to those who are impressionable such as young children. It also taught me how to work independently and make my own plans for how to best fulfill my responsibilities as an employee. This experience contributed to my love for working with children and is one of the reasons I am currently pursuing adolescent psychiatry as a career.

I already know that I do not enjoy work that does not make me feel fulfilled or that I am making a difference. I have learned, however, that small tasks that seem like they are not meaningful are often the foundation of bigger contributions. Without the lesser tasks, there would be no bigger contributions being made.

My work experience to-date has been extremely enriching and educational. To begin, I was introduced to the study procedure and my role in the lab, which is mainly recruitment. I also was integrated into the weekly lab meetings where we are given progress updates about recruitment goals, social media work, and the general progression of the study. After about the first week, I have been mainly allowed to work independently on completing follow-ups with participants. All of these experiences taught me how to complete my work effectively and efficiently, an important part of being on a team. Common skills across my experiences include effective communication and teamwork.

Currently, I already posses a majority of the basic skills required for my position, which include but are not limited to a proficiency in Microsoft Excel and strong communication skills. As of now, I do not find there is anything in my role that I do not enjoy doing, but I would love to have more hands on experience in the study such as observing scan visits.

If you would like to learn about my organization, you can visit the lab's webpage at: https://medicine.iu.edu/faculty-labs/hulvershorn!