About Me

Hi, my name is Tyra Gillispie. I am currently a sophomore perusing a B.S in Neuroscience on a pre-med track. The particular reason as to why I  chose Neuroscience as my major is because I find the human body intriguing as well as the heartfelt importance of our most precious resource, people. Scientists are still learning about the complexity of the nervous system and the brain, and this particular subject coincides well with my interests. As of right now I plan on attending medical school and specializing in pediatrics, but I am also open to other specialties. 


Working in a team setting requires flexibility, and strong communication skills. Some traits that I have learned while working collaboratively with others is knowing  when to take lead and knowing when to listen. Understanding your teammates learning styles allows you to communicate in a way that is comprehendible to  individuals, which reduces the risk of miscommunication and increases the productivity. I firmly believe that with the proper engagement and the right mindset any team can achieve the best outcome for the scenario.  

My experiences and Skills

2022 Subway lP LLC

I am no stranger to hard work. Ever since I was sixteen, I have had a job. At one-point in my life I was working two while being a full-time student. My first job was at Subway as a sandwich artist. After working at Subway for a year I was promoted to team lead, which required to me work collaboratively, and communicate effectively so that way my team and I would accomplish our tasks that were given throughout the day. 

From this job I was able to gain active listening skills, attention to detial, and time management


My second job was a clicklist associate for Kroger. For this particular job working quickly and the ability to probelm solve were essential. My tasks would include selecting the freshest groceries for cusotmers that ordered online. After selecting the groceries I would bag them and place them into the costumers vechile. Working in this environment made me accustomed to thriving in a fast pace enviorment and multitasking. 

From this job I was able to learn interpersonal skills as well as how to become detail oriented. 

This year I joined VIDA, which is one of the largest student-led organization at IUPUI. VIDA strives to empower IUPUI students to fight for global health equity and to deliver a healthy future to our surrounding community and abroad. This year I am a Co-Director of Event Planning. Being part of VIDA has made me improve on my time management skills as well as my communication skills.

Being a co-director for an organization you need to make sure that you are setting a good example for others. Not only are your representing the orginization, but you are also representing the school and yourself. Another skill that I have acquired is knowing the difference between how to communicate and  being an effective communicator. I have achieved this skill by constantly interacting with people from various backgrounds, and professions.