
My Research

My research is through the Indiana University School of Medicine in the Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Department, under the supervision of Dr. Scott Aoki. My research centered on understanding RNA's effects after ingestion in C. elegans. First, the worms eat the bacteria and ingest the bacterial RNA. Then using a fluorophore, the RNA is tracked within the worm using confocal microscopy. The imaging allows us to understand how the RNA is trafficked within the worm, where it is broken down, and what genes are involved in the RNA uptake, transport, and processing. Understanding these concepts will enhance our knowledge of immunity and the passing of genetic information between generations in molecular organisms.

Aoki Laboratory

The Laboratory aims to understand the molecular mechanisms of how RNA-protein complexes direct cellular development and immunity. This interest began in viruses and most recently extended to understanding the functions of RNA-protein granules and collections of RNA protein complexes. The Lab is currently applying a method in C. elegans to observe protein inheritance of RNA-protein granule components between cells and progeny. The in vivo pulse-chase method will allow us to track proteins made in cells and passed to daughter cells and beyond.