
LHSI: Internship Goals

Interpret data on a Spectrophotometer

  • Ask my supervisor questions on how to properly convey the results shown on the computer and compare it with my experiment that I am conducting. I have began asking what planktonic, total absorbance, and biofilm readings mean on the spectrophotometer to get the correct understanding of each reading.

Properly use microbiological tools and procedures

  • I will repetitively use the same tools/procedures to become advanced in the correct techniques and ask my supervisor how to use it effectively so it is done correctly. I have begun using a couple microbiological tools and continue to practice using it on a daily basis. As I use different tools, I will ask my supervisor the proper questions to fully understand the purpose of each tool and how to effectively use it.

  • In order to properly execute microbiological procedures on my experiments, I will take extremely detailed notes while my supervisor walks me through the experiment in the lab. This will hopefully enhance my active listening skills as I will be learning about new experiments on the spot.

Understand and effectively communicate my research

  • After there are any updates or new results regarding my research, I will present my data to my supervisor to make sure I am properly conveying the results.

  • I hope to write a full, detailed procedure in a poster presentation that includes my results and methods to present at the IU Research Day and at other conferences.

Developing professionalism

  • I would like to develop my character into a well-rounded professional. Some qualities include curiosity, proactivity, and responsibility in which I believe I can enhance. Specifically, curiosity is a quality I believe I will better throughout the internship as I will be searching for a topic of study that best intrigues me and read many published articles pertaining to our oral cavity. Lastly, I hope to better my formal oral communication by the end of the internship. I will take the time to present my research to my supervisor, watch my word choice, and slow my reading down as I usually begin to talk fast when I get nervous.

Other goals:

For my professional growth throughout this year, I hope to build a network of contacts, learn proper lab etiquette/office skills that I can use when dealing with patients in the future, and be able to perform and communicate experiments properly on what I did to to other individuals.

Career Goals

My career goal is to become a general dentist. The field of dentistry has intrigued for many years. Seeing how my dad was genetically impacted by having to get a whole set of implants was the first time I saw the effects of the field of dentistry. My dad struggled tremendously and felt embarrassed by the problems he was facing with his oral health. He was told that sometimes genetics can play a huge role in gum disease and much more. Unfortunately, my dad was facing a lot of pain as the procedure is intense, along with the recovery process. Now, seeing how confident and healthy my dad feels gives me much relief as it was painful seeing him go through this. As I had so much relief and happiness to see my dad's confidence rise back up, I dreamed to become that dentist who gives the confidence back to individuals who are suffering. I solely chose my career goal based on my passion. I firmly believe if you have a passion for something, hard work and determination will allow you to be great in that field.

  • I am confident that I want to be a part of the dental field when I grow up. As I am currently working as a dental assistant, I have learned many things about working in the dental field. Working as the supportive arm to the dentist, I am able to learn many things daily and enhance my strengths. My top strengths include being a good listener and having compassion. Working alongside a dentist, having these strengths are key to execute the proper care for each and every patient. As the assistant, I am able to use these strengths when interacting with patients and assisting the dentist in the oral procedure. Also, as a dental assistant, I am working to strengthen many skills, such as being detail oriented and having dexterity to prepare me for the future.

  • Not only am I going to continue to work as a dental assistant to learn more about different oral procedures and strengthen my skills, I will shadow many other dentists. This is important as many dentists work in their own unique ways and I will be able to learn the different ways dentists may work. I will also continue my role in IUPUI's pre-dental club, as the Volunteer Events Coordinator, to strengthen my leadership capabilities when leading many other pre-dental students. Creating a diverse set of volunteer experiences that are meaningful and within our community, will allow me to become a more well-rounded individual as well.

  • This semester I hope to continue to excel in my prerequisite courses for dental school and begin studying for the DAT. I have enrolled in the Kaplan course for the DAT in hopes to get the best score possible. I will also continue to work as a dental assistant and shadow to learn more about the field and the different procedures.

  • My goals have expanded slightly from the time of my LHSI application. I still inspire to become a dentist; however, I am considering continuing research with a microbiologist. Research has opened my eyes in many ways, especially on how it can improve evidence-based practices. Research on bacteria that is prevalent to our oral cavity can help develop effective treatments in the long run as well.

How has the time at your internship affected your career planning journey and goals?

  • After my internship through LHSI, I hope to continue research as a dental student to gain knowledge on various topics. However, I wouldn't pursue research has a career as I believe that I won't feel satisfied in a position where I cannot talk to people everyday and collaborate heavily with others.

How confident do you feel in your self-knowledge and preferences and in using that to make career-related decisions?

  • Research has opened my eyes in the dental profession and has made me become more confident in my career preferences because there are many topics I have learned within research that impacts our oral cavity that many do not know. Without research, a dentist would not be able to deliver effective treatments to their patients.