

Apply knowledge and skills from my classes into my internship and vise versa.

At my internship, this will be achieved through using my applicable knowledge about bones learned from my courses into the research done at this site. Also, any knowledge and skills that I develop through my time conducting research can be reciprocated into my future courses.

I have been able to apply my current knowledge from labs into many of the techniques I utilize at my site. This includes using the microscope, and collecting and analyzing data. Also, I have learned about bone in my Biology K103 course, so much of that knowledge has become applicable in a more real sense. The more refined knowledge on this topic so far will definitely provide me with a better foundation for my anatomy courses and any bone related courses I will encounter in dental school.

Develop both laboratory and professional skills that allow me to become a more competitive candidate in my future endeavors.

Working in a laboratory setting performing research allows me to have the opportunity to develop very enhanced skills in these areas, such as advanced laboratory skills, critical thinking, and problem solving. Professionally, I will be in the presence of many graduate students and experienced researchers, allowing me to develop my professional skills in a very hands on way.

The research conducted at this site is very interesting to me, primarily because I have never been involved in something so groundbreaking. Discovering the possible cure to a disease or unknown information has made me so passionate about my work and has allowed me to really envelop myself in the techniques used in lab. My laboratory skills have significantly improved due to the work done on the microscope, computer imaging program, and both collecting and analyzing data.

Be able to analyze both data and research and translate it in a way others will understand.

Starting off in this internship, much of the material will be new and unfamiliar to me, requiring a lot of independent research to be done to understand the fundamentals. Once a good foundation is set and I will begin explaining my research to others, I need to speak in a way that many will understand, similar to me first learning much of fundamentals.

While I have not yet had to present any of the data we are working on at my site, I do try to discuss it with friends and family regularly to ensure I am able to use vocabulary at a level that everyone can understand. In the future, when it does become time to present the research, I will ensure that I work to keep all of the information in a way that many can understand, similarly to the way it was introduced to me.

Have a successful presentation on Research Day at the IU dental school over the research done this past semester.

On April 12th, many researchers performing research through the IU School of Dentistry will have the opportunity to present their work to an audience of staff and faculty members attending. I have been given the opportunity through my site to present some of the research we have been working on at this event. I am very excited for this opportunity to not only promote the research done at the lab, but also work to improve my professional skills as well.

This will take a lot of preparation in terms of preparing the poster and making sure all of the information is accurate. To make sure I am successful during this presentation, I must make sure that the information on my poster does not spare details, but is also easy for a variety of audiences to understand. I will achieve this by working alongside the researchers in my lab to ensure my work exceeds expectations.


Graduate with Bachelor of Biology degree with a GPA of at least 3.7 and a science GPA of at least 3.4.

For most dental schools, the common competitive GPA standard is 3.5 whereas the science GPA standard is a 3.2. These are usually minimum requirements to even be considered, so I am hoping to have a GPA at least slightly above this to ensure I am a very competitive candidate in this aspect. This will give a very a good foundation for my application on paper without really any background. Have a GPA within or above of the competitive range is something that I believe will serve as a good eye catcher for the admissions team and allow them to become more interested in other things I have to offer on my application.

While keeping a strong GPA is a difficult endeavor, I believe the goals I have set for myself are very reasonable and doable. To ensure I am consistent with this, I need to make sure I am putting forth my best effort in my classes, science in specifically. This will be done by utilizing the study techniques that work best for me for the exams, taking thorough notes during lectures, and being an active participate to engage learning.

Make a meaningful impact on the community through volunteering and organizations on campus.

Although my time as an undergrad at IUPUI will only be 4 years, I want them to be meaningful on both my life and the lives of others. For the year and a half I have been at IUPUI so far, I have learned about many organizations here on campus that I believe I have the chance to get involved in to help plan and coordinate events that make this campus so special. Getting involved in organizations allows me the chance to build skills such as teamwork and organization, increase my network, and truly put my time and effort into making a difference.

I am currently involved in the Honors Peer Mentor program and Women 4 Change at IUPUI, but as we transition to a more normal interactive campus in the spring, I truly hope to get more involved in organizations. This will involve continuing my active roles in current positions and strengthening my networks in those and looking into positions for organizations opening up in the spring so I can narrow down my options to those I am very passionate about.

Score at least a 21 on the DAT.

I recently applied to take Dental Admissions Test for this summer, and while I couldn't be more excited for this next step towards my career, I am also very nervous. After looking at many national and college averages, I have decided that a score I would be very happy with would be a 21. With the test being out of 30, the national average is a 17, ranging to a 19 at most colleges.

To achieve this goal, a lot of time and effort must be into studying. I have already set up a plan for studying several hours at a time this summer and dedicate certain days of the week to taking practice exams. While it may be very hard to motivate myself to study so vigorously for several hours day, it will be important for me to keep in my mind the reward that will come from doing well on this exam and how much closer it will bring me to my final goal.

Get into dental school.

While this is more of a long term goal, this is definitely the goal that all of my minor goals lead up to. All of the goals I have listed on this site are ones that will contribute to my success of become a dental student and on the path of becoming a dentist. While this seems far away, there are many things I can be doing now that will allow me to become a more prepared, competitive candidate for a career that is highly competitive.

This goal is one that will be achieved through a series of small goals, including those I have set personally, academically, and socially. I hope to accomplish all of my goals set for this internship to help me grow as an individual and gain many useful skills that will aid me in my future paths. I have encountered many hesitations during my time on a pre-dental path, however I am constantly reassured that I am on the right path for my professional career. With the bulky course load and countless hours of studying, it often seems like dental school is so far up the road. However, every good grade, A on an exam, and experiences like these make it all worth it.