About Me

I am a sophomore at IUPUI majoring in biology and minoring in business. I am on the pre-dental track hoping to attend IU's dental school after graduation.

My decision to major in biology was one made on truly a leap of faith. I attended a smaller high school with not many science courses available, but knowing I wanted to pursue dentistry, biology was what seemed right. Now, being three full semesters into biology focused coursework, I can say I am glad I made the decision I did. I have really been able to discover what I am passionate about and interested in, as well being able to adapt to new challenges. Jointly, I decided to pair this major with a minor in business. While the two are on almost the opposite sides of the spectrum, I did this to try to strengthen this area of expertise. While it is always good to be well rounded, these courses also serve as a great benefit with the foundations of business because I am hoping to open my own dental practice in the future.

As a new member of my internship site's team, I hope to give to this position as much as I hope to gain from it. That being said, there are many skills I believe I can bring to the table to help be a productive team member. Organization is one of my most versatile strengths, because this not only pertains to keeping my paperwork neat, but being able to analyze the tasks at hand and prioritize them based on time needed, deadlines, and resources. I also am a very effective communicator. I am able to communicate with the people I work with to successfully complete projects. However, when it comes to running into obstacles, I am not hesitant to ask people that are more knowledgeable and experienced for help. Creativity is the strength I consider to be my strongest. Whether it comes to brain storming a unique idea or trying to solve a problem, I tend to look at things outside of the box, providing a different way of looking at things.