
SRP, IU Simon Cancer Center, 2020

I interned in Dr. Salvatore Condello's ovarian cancer research lab. Here, I presented "Targeting ALDH activity in ovarian cancer stem cells." I learned cell culturing assays such as CCk8, BRDU, and Thymine. I also learned how to analyze cells using ImageJ. I collaborated with Dr. Shannon Hawkin's lab group as well to analyze endometrial cancer literature. This experience was valuable because I learned about the important research that goes into developing treatment methods for women suffering from gynecological cancers.

Project SEED, IUPUI, 2018

I interned in Dr. Hiroki Yokota's Biomedical Engineering lab at IUPUI. I presented a poster, "Effects of mechanical stimulation on tumor growth and bone degradation in a mouse model of a mammary tumor." I learned many assays such as western blotting, gel electrophresis, and ELISA. I also learned how to care for mice colonies, perform bone loading experiments, and observed organ harvesting. This experience was valuable to me because I saw why breast cancer patients specifically are at a higher risk than other patients, and learned about the important research that goes into finding a cure.

Midsummer and Final Presentation .pptx
seed poster


Youth Action Board, 2020 - Present

Youth Summit Leadership Fellow, 8 Week 2020 Fellowship

Certified Recovery Specialist


Foster Parent, 2020 - Present

Zoo Volunteer, 2019

Shelter Volunteer, 2013 - 2017


Pharmacy Technician

I worked at a long term care pharmacy, Omnicare, as a pharmacy technician during my freshman year at IUPUI. Working here taught me that I like being a part of a medical team who's goal is to serve the patient. This experience also solidified my interest in going into the healthcare field.