
As a senior in high school, I was given the opportunity to have an internship. I chose to observe a therapy department at a local hospital. This experience has solidified my reasons for wanted to work in the health field. Every physical, occupational, or speech therapist I observed seemed to be working there for the right reasons. They had compassion for their patients and did whatever they possibly could to make their hospital stay as enjoyable as possible. I gained a mentor from this experience who I can turn to whenever I have a question about applying to physical therapy school or a health related question. I also was able to reflect on my observation once a week with the other interns during school. It was interesting to hear about what other people have been able to witness as well. To the left is a picture of all of us at the end of the year recognition dinner.

Below are some organizations I have become involved in at my time at IUPUI.

I joined Get Onboard Active Living (GOAL) because I thought it would be a great way to meet other students of the same interests as me and engage with the community. We were able to talk to students at a local elementary the importance of physical activity and nutrition. We taught them through games and presentations throughout the semester.

Through VIDA-Health Partnersips, I was able to volunteer at Gleaner's Food bank. I was able to greet clients as they walked through the aisles and helped put food in their carts.

This is a picture of my friend Fatima and I at Christmas at the Zoo. We found out about volunteer opportunities at the IUPUI Involvement Fair. At Christmas at the Zoo, we helped families decorate Christmas cookies and clean the tables. We also participated at Zoo Boo. I plan to continue volunteering with the Indianapolis Zoo in the future!

I joined the Student Actvitiy Programming Board (SAPB) during my first semester of college. I started off in the Goes to Town Committee but decided to take a more active role in the club and apply to be a Late Night Director. I am now the Late Nights director and plan monthly events for undergraduate students at IUPUI. This is a picture of all the directors and Exec at the retreat we had in August.

Administrative Assistant

During my first semester of college, I went through the process of trying to find an on campus job for my work study. I applied to multiple jobs but finally heard back from my own school. I am so glad I had the opportunity to be an Administrative Assistant in my own school. During work I would grade papers, make documents, and collaborate with faculty. I was able to get to know some of my professors better and hear what their interests and hobbies are outside of work.