
1. Experience in Saraga International Grocery Store

Last summer, which is from May to August in 2019, I got the opportunity to work in my favorite grocery store as my first job in Saraga International Grocery Store. It is an international store that had a wide variety of food items imported from many types of countries representing a variety of cultures.. In this grocery store I had to do bagging, work in the cash register, re shelf items and I found these tasks that were I had to perform were very interesting. It sometimes gets very hard on weekends when there is a lot of customers, especially on peak hours. I somehow enjoyed the experience that I had in this place and everyone there were very loving , friendly people who made a very welcoming environment for me. The work at this place made me a more punctual person, gave me more active listening skills, paying attention to detail, lending a helping hand in a busy environment made me a more responsible person of a team.

2. Experience in LHSI Internship site

I started working in this lab this summer, and I went there to get trained and I got started officially from the beginning of September. The lab that I currently work for the Life Health Internship Program at IUPUI, has also helped in many ways. I developed organizational skills from the lab when initiating experiments, it has helped me to figure out how to find methods apart from the usual procedures that I feel is extremely important towards personal development. Using new equipment and tools that are in the lab makes me feel more confident person than who I was, and it gave me good communication skills like letting my supervisor know anything beforehand, what modes of communication do they prefer in the workplace and when to discuss what matters

3. Experiences in clubs and societies

I am a member of the Biology club since the last Fall semester and I am a member of the Muslim Students Association since the year of 2018 when I was a junior and I learnt a lot of things as team member when it comes to clubs in IUPUI that has massive amount of diverse cultures and opinions. I learnt to give a voice an as well as appreciate the perspective of others, perseverance comes to play especially in clubs when things can go beyond expectations and plans. I enjoyed pretty much more than tough situations, but tough situations helped a lot for me to grow up more as a person or a member of a group. situations believe good communication is a must for teamwork because if one half of the members are not aware of what's going on or inappropriate comments can bring many conflicts in an organization.

A Day in the site my LHSI internship

MAI banquet and awards ceremony hosted by the Muslim Student's association

A day in my favorite International Grocery Store