About Me

I am a Junior at IUPUI studying Psychology B.S. I have a passion for clinical and developmental psychology to treat and improve quality of life in children and adolescents struggling with mental health. Additionally, I am in the process of adding a Data Science and Informatics certificate because I have an interest in research in the field of psychology as well. I hope to use my education to someday work both at a micro level as a therapist and a macro level as a researcher to improve mental health for as many people as possible.


My most valuable teamwork experience to date has been the professional writing class project, where I worked with a team to produce a report for a real world client. I took more of a leadership role in this project, as it was for the local business I reached out to. The biggest lessons of this experience were what being an effective leader entailed. I went into the project thinking a leader managed and assigned tasks when in reality as a leader I often took on a larger role than others on my team and found myself putting in extra time to help others complete their sections to our team’s standards while still finding the time to work on my own parts. 

Another beneficial lesson from this project was the importance of communication, without good communication teamwork can stall very quickly. It is important to make it clear to the group what is expected of them, because often if people are aware of what needs to be done they will rise to the challenge and exceed expectations. The importance of trust in your teammates as a team member is another lesson in teamwork I have learned recently. While many of us have been burned by a underperforming teammate in the past, having faith in your teammates to do their part is necessary for teamwork to flourish and as I said above, often if your team has clear expectations and goals people will rise to the occasion and meet or even exceed your expectations.

As a team member I feel my current strengths include:

My Experience and Skills

Since beginning my time at IUPUI I have had the pleasure of being involved in many amazing programs and opportunities. My time spent as a mentor at the Mathematics Assistance Center or MAC is one such experience. Through my time tutoring students in Finite mathematics, I found myself gaining skills such as:

Not only did I gain those skills but through IUPUI’s mentor program I gained skills in leadership through a series of courses meant to grow leadership skills. These classes helped me to build confidence in my ability to lead while also providing valuable insights into leadership styles and tactics to efficiently guide others. 

Another opportunity I was able to participate in was an engaged-learning experience through my professional writing course (W-231). This course involved finding a community client and doing a research project on a topic of their choosing and sharing the final project with them. I was able to find and meet with a local long-term care facility and produce a website version of my recommendation report to share with the client along with a team of my peers. As team lead for this project, I was able to put into practice my leadership training from the mentoring courses I received as a part of my role at the MAC. This project gave me valuable experience that I was able to pivot into skills such as

Click here to access the digital report created.

Overall, this engaged learning experience was a great opportunity to gain real-world experience in the research process and lead a group to a goal. 

The project was featured in IUPUI’s 2022 engaged learning showcase, you can see the project in the showcase here.

Through my experiences, I have discovered that I have a passion for research. I greatly enjoy the process of connecting ideas to create understanding and utilizing information to reach exciting and innovative new conclusions. The data portion of the research process is something I have a little less experience in; however, with the experience this research project provided, I have found I greatly enjoy the statistical analysis utilized in scientific research and look forward to learning and growing more in this area. One area I don’t have as much experience in is the collection of data, but my internship in the Hulvershorn research lab has given me a window into the process. Other strengths I developed through this process include communication, time management, and working as a part of a team. My past involvement has also helped me to note some weaknesses and skills I don’t enjoy utilizing, which include managing and organizing information and documents, recruiting and writing persuasively to obtain opportunities, and facilitating and motivating team members to ensure healthy teamwork and completion of goals.

Learn more about my role at the Hulvershorn lab here

Through my time at the Hulvershorn lab as an intern I have had the opportunity to participate in research in a more in-depth way than ever before. I was able to observe and participate in many aspects of the data collection and analysis process. These experiences have expanded my skillset and given me newfound strengths that I can apply to other roles, such as:

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