About Me


Growing up, I have always moved around from city to city- so I have never really had one place to call "home" but I live within the Northwest region, close to Chicago. Coming from the "windy city" to Indianapolis was a smooth transition because I have always admired cities that never sleep- the livelihood, diversity, and night lights that brighten the city. While Indianapolis and Chicago have their differences, I am grateful to have had the ability to experience both. Keeping this in mind, I graduated from Chesterton High School with Academic and Technical Honors. To come to where I am within my career I am beyond blessed to have a blended family and friends that have showed nothing but love and support for my decisions. Being the oldest child, I want to set an example for my younger siblings, (one brother and two sisters) that you can be anything you want in this world as long as you put everything towards it. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to be a doctor since I was a little girl and attending college has put everything in perspective- hard work pays off.

Where My Love for Science Started

I decided to join the school of science as a Biology major because before coming to IUPUI I was always mesmerized with studying all aspects of the science behind living organisms. As a lover of science, I will never forget the phrase,"mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell!" which several professors have made their ultimate goal to drill into my mind to the point that I might possibly say it in my sleep. This broad and diverse field encouraged me to become involved in stem courses directed towards anatomy and physiology, which gave me the opportunities to perform dissections, attend cadaver labs, and become apart of the HOSA (Health Students of America) program where my healthcare skills and education were enhanced through various community activities. HOSA is what motivated me to earn my Certified Nursing Assistant License where I got hands on experience in the healthcare field, furthering my passion for science and medicine.

Why become an OB/GYN?

Growing up in a family full of women, I have grown to realize that women can deal with a world of problems and not have any support which has given me an extreme insight and compassion to help women along their journey. My long term goal after becoming a doctor is to one day travel to socially and financially disadvantaged areas in order to help women around the world struggling with reproductive health, pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum depression. As a woman myself, I have experience with a variety of doctors which encouraged me to become a doctor that gives back to the community by giving women access to the quality healthcare they deserve.

Science Jokes :)

Key Skills




Time Management


Attention to detail



I am confident that my experiences within healthcare atmospheres and science focused environments has prepared me for my LHSI internship. Once the world took a 360 with the pandemic, I have learned that all healthcare workers risking themselves on the frontlines are the real heroes. Being a CNA, I have respect for all careers so I plan to utilize all the knowledge I have gained and continue to grow and build upon that in order to become an admirable doctor. While working as a CNA a huge component of my job depended upon teamwork and communication between patients, families, and employees. We all relied on one another to give high quality care- minimizing discomfort, maintaining patient dignity, and assisting with activities of daily living. Communication is essential among one another because as shifts ended and started, passing along information about behavioral, physical, and mental observations at the end of the day would help the patients be provided with the best care, which was the ultimate goal. Having 12-17 patients per CNA made a huge impact on everybody directly involved therefore, meeting deadlines for documentation was also crucial. However, as my career grew I admired my patients as more than last names and room numbers, but more like family because I was their direct line for care, behind the scenes and taking care of their needs more than family and friends. I loved my patients in a way that I remembered all the little quirks and schedules in order to make the nursing home feel more like a "home" for my permanent residents.


My greatest struggle that I hope to gain throughout the academic year is leadership/independent skills. Before coming to college I was always an introvert, typically keeping to myself which meant going with the flow of group projects or class discussions and never having the ability to speak up and give my opinions. I want to change this trait by taking chances in opportunities not only in experience at the workplace but also remotely- participating in any professional networks/meetings and gaining interaction among my supervisors and peers. I want to not only participate but actively contribute to my supervisors and internship in any way possible!

It's the Little Memories That Last a Lifetime

Here are some pictures of friends, family, and of course my dog that represent my life! I wanted to incorporate aspects of my "behind the scenes" to show where my passion is derived from. I believe that because my unique perspectives, values, and strengths have been supported by those closest to me I have been able to grow and become the person I am today:)