
Bepko Learning Center

I am currently working as an Academic Mentor for the Bepko Learning Center at IUPUI. I am a recitation leader for the BIOL-K 101 class and I also do weekly tutoring at the Biology Resource Center. Being able to get teaching experience as a recitation leader has helped me grow both academically and personally! I really enjoy planning for my sessions each week and reapplying all that I have learned from when I took the course to my students. I got to refine my public speaking skills as well after leading a weekly class of 30 students.

Histology Core Lab

I did three months of volunteer work for the Histology Core Lab at IUPUI over the summer of 2021. I got to learn so much about the processing of all sorts of tissue samples along with getting hands on experience with embedding, sectioning, and staining of bone tissue. Being able to work on the microtome and run some immunohistochemistry (IHC) stains were some of my favorite techniques which I learned. I really enjoyed all the work that was done in the lab which inspired me even more towards my goal of cytotechnology!

Teaching Experiences

I have been training in dance for around 15 years and when I was in high school and even this past summer I got the chance to instruct ballet and yoga classes. In high school I got to substitute ballet classes for middle and elementary school students at the dance center I was trained at. I loved being able to work with kids while also teaching something I was very passionate about. This past summer I taught my own yoga class outdoors at a local lake for the St. John Parks and Recreation Department. I got the experience to create my own exercises, learn what worked and what didn't work as I taught, along with getting great feedback from the ladies I taught each week. When creating your own curriculum, each class can have a different outcome so you have to work with the class and learn to change plans last minute to accommodate with the class you are working with. I absolutely loved this experience, it taught me so much and I got to share something I was passionate about with others.

My love for dance always went along with my interest in anatomy. As a dancer it was crucial to understand what muscles were being used and how they were being used in order to create the right movements. As a teacher it was also just as important to understand that everyone's body worked differently and how to properly stretch muscles without creating strain or injuries. When I took anatomy for the first time in high school, I applied a lot of what I was learning into practice while I danced, and thought more about how the body worked in movement. I instantly fell in love with learning about anatomy just as I did when I first began dancing ballet.

Undergraduate Women in Science

During my sophomore year, I joined the UWIS (Undergraduate Women in Science) club. As a Cytotechnology major I wanted to make more connections with other students with similar majors and this club is a great way to do that. Being a part of UWIS not only helped me with meeting other science majors, but also gives me opportunities to take part in more events. Despite everything being online there are still projects UWIS will be having virtually to take part in. So far being a part of UWIS has taught me to continue to make connections despite this new online setting.