About Me

My Major

I am currently enrolled for the IUSM Cytotechnology Program for the 2022-2023 academic year. Cytotechnology and histopathology happen "behind the scenes" to examine cells underneath a microscope to identify any pathogens or diseases for an early diagnosis. I started off as a nursing major my first year at IUPUI but I heard about cytotechnology in my first-year seminar class, and after doing some research I decided to switch majors. I was more interested in getting into a lab setting and doing histology work, and cytotechnology was the perfect fit. After doing a few months of volunteer work at the IUPUI Histology Core Lab, I knew cytology was the right field for me to get into. I have since taken anatomy, physiology, and biology classes and labs to grow my experiences in this area of study!

As a Team Member

Working in teams is common theme in most workplaces and LHSI is a great way to practice on collaboration and communication skills. As a team member communication is important and it is one of the things I am working on this semester especially in a professional sense. Reliability is also a great trait to have as a team member and one which I will be utilizing this semester in both my internship and in classes.

Reflecting on my time as an LHSI Intern:

After working in LHSI I learned a lot about work as a team member and working independently. When I was co-writing a piece with Brandi Gilbert, I had to communicate well as a team member, letting her know what the piece needed, and setting a timeline for where to go next. I also had to work independently a lot while also letting my supervisors know what I had been working on and how my work was benefitting the team as a whole.

Outside of the Classroom

When I am not studying for my classes, there is a number of other activities I am passionate about. For starters my interest in anatomy and the human body all sprung from my love for dance. I have been dancing in ballet and contemporary for years and even had the chance to teach classes. However, during the school year getting behind the barre isn't as easy, so I like to spend my free time creating and planning new pieces on paper.


Throughout my time in LHSI, I had lots of opportunities to grow my professionalism skills. The site that I worked at required a lot of communication between me and my supervisors, other authors, and even fellow interns. Understanding how to communicate effectively and efficiently is a skill that is required in any workplace and getting several real world experiences with communication has helped me gain confidence in my professionalism skills.

Another experience I got was actually in creating this website. Reflecting on my goals, accomplishments, and recording what I learned each semester has helped me not only in finding where I have grown but also what areas I still need to work on. This has given me professional experiences in learning how to create and design a website for the public to explore more about me.

Some areas which I have grown in is having a better understanding on how to communicate using empathy. This skill is very transferrable and is something we are all working on. Whether it be sending emails to coworkers, speaking with supervisors, or even creating mediums that are to be seen by the public (such as this website or some of the pieces I have worked on), it is important to know who your audience will be and to communicate with empathy towards them. Keeping every type of audience in mind is crucial in deciding what your audience needs or wants from you as a communicator.