Internship Experience

I interned at KidsFirst Adoption Agency where I met with birth mothers who want to put their child up for adoption, families who want to adopt, sending out information to other organizations who want to connect with us, and also sitting in and participating in weekly meetings with all of the staff. The communication style was distributed through emails, meetings, and also in-person privately. Overall we do a lot of teamwork, but also we work independently and at the end of the day we come together as a team to collaborate all of our progress. For me I like having meetings because we all are together and ca discuss our issues with each other at once and communicate effectively instead of having to talk to each person individually when a problem or question arises.

My classes help me understand this better because there are different types of populations and some people grow up in poverty or hang out with the wrong crowd. It has helped me see what my future career is going to be like when I work with different types of people and having to help them with their problems. I am able to speak to the birth moms and see how they are feeling and also communicate any stressful things in their life they may have and I can do that with my current social work classes.

I am currently majoring in social work and interning at an adoption agency is very helpful. In my social work classes we are learning about theories and also about different types of populations. We work with birth moms who want to give their child up for adoption and at times they change their mind. My classes help me understand this better because there are different types of populations and some people grow up in poverty or hang out with the wrong crowd. It has helped me see what my future career is going to be like when I work with different types of people and having to help them with their problems. I am able to speak to the birth moms and see how they are feeling and also communicate any stressful things in their life they may have and I can do that with my current social work classes.

The class that has helped me select topics in human welfare. We talk about all the different populations ranging from juvenile detention centers to poverty to also foster care and adoption. People in these populations have more trauma than people who grew up in a safe and nurturing environment. Due to people not growing up in those conditions they often have many issues that they cannot deal with on their own, so they come to social workers so we can help them and come up with solutions to their issues.

I learned that there are many different situations for people that come to KidFirst Adoption and they go through different things. I learned this when I met the first few birth moms and also parents who want to adopt. It helps me connect with other situations people outside of my internship may have and also myself. In light of this learning I hope to connect better with people at my internship and be more involved in the decisions for birth moms.

Christmas Hosting Program

One thing that I have been helping out with is a hosting program that KidsFirst is hosting. The program brings kids in Ukraine who are in orphanages to the US and they get to stay with hosts family for a couple of weeks in December. We have to find families and also do home studies and raise money and get donations for the children to be able to come to the US. We have reached out to many people in efforts to bring the children over. We have families that are hosting some kids and the ultimate goal is to try and get some of the children adopted.