Professional Goals

Career Goals

I plan on working in Emergency Medicine or Oncology. I got really interested in Emergency Medicine when I started doing my clinical as an EMT through Indianapolis EMS. I enjoy the rush and the fast pace with the runs that we experienced. I did my clinical on the East Side of Indianapolis and in Downtown during the afternoon weekends and I enjoyed a lot. With Oncology being my other option, it hit close to home. Many of my family members have been affected by some sort of cancer. I have seen first hand what it does to individuals and their families and knowing I could make a difference is worth pursuing the occupation.

This year, I can grow from this by gaining the knowledge of how a professional setting is set up as and how to effectively communicate and work with one another. For the rest of my time at IUPUI, hopefully I can acquire a job out of this internship or use this internship to help me find a better one.

With my first goal, building connections, I have met a lot of talented people that are working on the team. Everyone is so kind and just getting to meet them is an honor because they are doing amazing work. My second goal, becoming more comfortable speaking to authoritative figures has been slowly expanding. No matter the title that someone has they are always willing to help. Which make it easier knowing that they are not as intimidated as they look and are easy to talk to.

Personal Example

As finals week is approaching, mentors are being flooded with questions and concerns. As a DEAP mentor, my mentees are supposed to meet with me one on one each month. There was a mentees who came to me wanting help on a subject that I was not familar with. I used my communication skills and collaborated with other mentors and staff to help find a solution. We worked together to gather up as many resources we could. After going through each one and allowing them to chose which solution would best benefit them. I guided them to a resource center where we talked about the class and found out the times that my mentee could attend the mentoring sessions for this specific class.

Learning Goal #1: Build a network of contacts

What will you do at the internship to achieve this goal?

Be respectful to everyone I encounter. Engage in projects and events. Show up to work and do what I am assigned to the best of my ability.

Learning Goal #2: Be comfortable speaking to clientele and authority figures

What will you do at the internship to achieve this goal?

Accomplish training platforms that are assigned and required to do. Practice in training. Shadow during consent form process during clinic visits.

Learning Goal #3: To get a full understanding and to be confident talking about the work we do at the Intern site.

What will you do at the internship to achieve this goal?

Do all the tasks assigned with integrity. Activity listen and communicate appropriately. Engage and learn from interactions that we do

Assurance of goals

With the start of the new semester here at the internship site, my graduate goals are still the same. I still plan on going on to graduate school to hopefully become a PA after I finish my undergraduate years here at IUPUI. I need to have more projects to work on this semester. That way, I get my required hours and also so I stay busy. Some skills that I will need to gain would be to better communicate with professionals, how to ask for more work to do, and to effectively use the knowledge I have gained and incorporate it in assignments

I still sure that I want to be a the medical field but as of right now I am not sure if I want to continue my track on the PA program. I m stuck between an administration job at a hospital or a federal facility. I really like the research that I do at my internship. It is a nice pace and its a good environment. As of now I am not taking any specific classes to see to confirm my career choice. Instead I will be shadowing a Physician's Assistant this month.

Ever since I shadowed at the cancer clinic I still know that I want to be a PA. It really gave me a clear head about what career I want to go into. I really like my science courses, like Physiology and Biology because I just really like science courses.

Next Step

For the summer I plan on staying in Indianapolis, and working. I just put in my availability and sent it to the Department of Homeland Security and I am awaiting results. In the meantime I am going to be working at the front desks of the IU hospitals. Also for next school year I will be interning again for the same site, which I am very excited about.