About Me

I am a Sophomore at IUPUI, and currently pursuing a Bachelor's in Health and Human Sciences. All my life I knew that I wanted to do something in the medical field andI do no see myself in another career field. Currently, I am still exploring options to determine the specialized career that I want to take. I am currently planning to go grad school to become a Physician' s Assistant. I also have an interest in specializing in Oncology because a lot of my family has been affected by multiple types of cancer, which is why I am excited for this internship. I currently work for the IU owned hospitals in Downtown Indianapolis and I enjoy the settings. I am from a very small town called Kentland in Northwest Indiana. It is in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by corn fields. Coming to school here in Indianapolis was a big change for me. I did not know anyone here but it took less time than expected to adapt to the city. I want to say that my dedication to do my best academically and professionally really drives my motivation and sets me apart from other students.

Professional Experience

The foundation of everything that I do/ have done is to help people. I really enjoy helping people and making a difference. Also I enjoy the evolving process to get a particular individual / operation to be the best it can be, even if that means doing the little tasks.

Being a DEAP mentor has really benefited me by allowing me to become exposed to different cultures. Being able to communicate effectively with multiple individuals has taught me that accommodating is very important.

Before coming to college I was working as a lab assistant at Monsanto. I helped by grabbing samples and testing the quality of the different products that we use. After we tested the quality by measuring the weigh, color, and treatment, I put it into an excel spreadsheet. This job helped me become proficient in Excel and accomplishing tasks in a set time frame.

Once I got to college I found a job as a ProCare Concierge through Health Network International. I work at the downtown IU Health hospitals in Indianapolis. After some time of being a concierge I got promoted to the Quality Control Program Coordinator. I organize all client/ patient information by integrating their information into a spreadsheet to ensure the check in process runs smoothly. Also I communicate with clients/ patients about their experiences to learn more and improve the corporation. This has greatly improved my social skills by allowing me to communicate with patients who are in a vulnerable state by accommodating to their needs

Aside from staying on top of my academics, I also make it a priority to give back to the community. I have volunteered at a homeless shelter with the American Medical Student Association, Riley Hospital for Children, and as a tutor for high school students in Newton County. At the shelter we helped organize donated clothes according to size and type. We also watched kids while their parent/ guardian took a little break. At Riley's I clean many playrooms so that the kids enjoying their time would not be exposed to many germs. I also recorded myself reading many books was was featured in Riley TV, reading to those whose rooms I could not visit. In high school I started my tutoring program, I tutored math, English, and science subjects to kids of all ages. By tutoring and being expose to individuals of many ages, it broadens my social skills to become more effective.

A good team member respectfully listens to everyone on the team. A good team member is kind and stern and is innovative when it comes time to make a decision that reflects and combines everyone's ideas. I listen to everyone's idea because I would want the energy reciprocated. I also want to say that I am quick to think when it comes to new ideas. A quality that I would like to work on would be to take leadership.

Growth as a professional

One traits that I want to reflect that I see in my workplace is to be patient with employees. My employers were very kind a patient when I first started working. Another trait that I have observed that I want to have in my workplace is to be communicative. My employers at LHSI have been the best with communication. Not only do they let the other intern and I know when something has come up but they really help us by being able and wanting to talk to us, plus they are very easy to talk to. I aspire to be one of the biomedical engineers, Xi Wu. I do not want to be in the same medical field as her but I want to carry myself the same way she does. She is so intelligent yet incredibly humbled and my supervisor Casey Bales because she very supportive and well spoken.

Since the Internship started I really liked the work done here. It made me think that I might enjoy a career in research. I shadowed an NP who has many similar duties to a PA and the experience alone confirmed that I was on the right career path. From the start of the year I really think that I have gotten more comfortable with the team, which is expected. I have gotten much more better with talking and giving my opinion but like all my qualities, they can always keep approving.