

My goal is to move forward and grow in my field of passion, medical engineering. Over the years of involvement that I have gained, I learned that the more you get involved and put yourself out there, the better it is. I would like to strengthen my communication, teamwork, and networking skills at the same time grow my knowledge in the field of research and labs. I believe interpersonal skills are a key to professional growth and there is no end to how strong you are in these skills. Hence I want to gain the experience needed to improve in these skills and expand myself as much as I can. For someone who wants to pursue a master's degree and go-ahead to work in a hospital, these skills and my lab background play a very important role in shaping me the way I want to be. I also believe I am a very career-oriented person and I strive to be perfect at the age of 20 while being a junior. This program is hence the perfect outlet for me to portray who I am and extend my wings into the field of research at such a young age.


- Research/Lab techniques: Understand and gain experience on how to work in a lab setting (under a biosafety-hood, maintain a proper lab notebook, Lab safety protocols, etc).

- Radiation techniques and theory: Dr. Mendonca’s lab deals with radiation therapies and treatments on cancer cells, hence I would like to learn more and develop a sense of how radiation works in-depth to kill cancer cells, staining and counting colonies

- Cancer Cell Culture: Understand how to work with the main cells (in itself), learn the small details and steps that help in the process of cell culture. Washing the cells with PBS, treating the cells with trypsin, counting the cells using an isotone, and plating the cells again.

- “Dive” into the Research: Though very brief, my most important goal is to “dive” into the research. Put in my time and energy to understand how small changes can affect the outcome. I have never worked on something where I would have to research and be patient for a scientific study. Hence, I would like to make this opportunity worthwhile and work on it.

- Develop my personal skills to cater for the workforce: My main goal is to develop and grow as an individual by learning the work ethic and how to present yourself in a formal setting. Open communication is the key and hence I would like to grow in this area in my lab too.