Honor's Work

Honors Contract and Honors Contract Draft


For this assignment, I drafted an elevator speech that I could use for a professor if I was to propose an Honors Contract. After I wrote out my speech, I planned out a possible honors contract I could conduct. Completting this draft in this class will be a useful tool for later Honor contracts, as I can sample the way I wrote the paper.


As a Honors student at IUPUI, I will have to many oppportunities to conduct an honor's contract, especially if an Honors course is not an option. Having a well developed plan or practice on how to write on out will help me for future contracts.

Group Project 


For this project I worked with three other honors students in my class and discussed a problem that we all deal with in school. We then applied a bias that is related to the problem. After listen the bias we gave solutions to hopefully aid with the problem.


Overall, from this experience. It allowed me to dig deeper in my studying habits and to see things that I need to work on or areas that I can possible grow. Connecting the topic we chose to a bias allowed my team mates and I to get a deeper understanding to how students might make the choices they do.

click here for the power point