
My Internship Experiences helped me to:  

Learn and improve my professional skills, which is breaking down in three parts. 

1) Improving both my oral and written communication skills. To achieve this goal I: 


2) Getting skills on how to interact professionally with families and kids when providing support. 

3) Getting skills on how to advocate for health disparities in minority communities as well as possible strategies to provide better health care in the communities. 


My Career Goals 

My current career goal is to get into the Epidemiology and public health Master's program. In addition, I have always seen myself as a person who can advocate for changes and contribute to helping solve problems in minority groups. Also, I would like to create a non-profit with a team where we could provide immunization services and prevention tips for harmful diseases to various minority communities. I think the choice of my career goals has balanced. I have made my decision based on both what I am passionate about and what I know I am capable of doing. 

I am positive that my career goals and what I am doing fit my strengths and are worth working towards. I feel this way because what I am doing is related to my career goals and my career choice is connected to my personal life and the community to which I belong. As a person who is from a single-parent household and a working family, I know what it means to face challenges regarding access to health care needs. I believe that my life experience will help me to understand the minority group's struggles and better advocate for their healthcare needs. 

I would like to have opportunities that include internships mentoring sessions, and workshops on how to be an organizer (raising money for non-profit). These opportunities can help me to grow professionally. Getting professional skills to include communication skills, more self-confidence, and building a network. Building a network will help me to be connected with professionals (health care and/or others) who can be used as guidance and references for my future jobs and personal projects.