Ecotourism course
Course Information:
TEsM T-483 Ecotourism
About the Class:
This class will have 2 pre-departure lectures and meeting to discuss class content and trip expectations and 2-post trip meetings to make final presentations and discuss course wrap-up. Class will embark on a 8-day trip to Costa Rica in May 2024 (dates TBD).
Course Description:
This course promotes responsible, sustainable tourism and “green” travel best practices to minimize impact when visiting tourist destinations. Content includes motivating and changing travel behavior, visitation that improves the well-being of residents, support of local business to stimulate economic development, respect of cultures and local traditions, environmental awareness, and ecological conservation.
The class will travel to Costa Rica, a known destination for ecotourism and sustainability since the 1990s. It is a perfect destination to host a student experience focused on responsible travel and changing traveler behavior.
Course Objectives:
After successful completion of this course, the student will be able to:
Articulate and model the best practices of responsible or “green” travel, to include travel choices in air or ground transportation, lodging, food/beverage, entertainment choices and souvenir purchases.
Implement the triple-bottom line sustainability theory – as it relates to tourism’s economic, environmental and social-cultural impacts
Identify trends and impacts of ecotourism on rural, natural, and urban areas.
Discuss the challenges of maintaining the integrity of protected areas and historical attractions.
Determine the importance of respecting different cultures and the importance of an “authentic” travel experience
Research and propose how to change tourist behavior
Unique elements of ecotourism
Environmental, economic and socio-cultural impact on a destination
UN Sustainability Development Goals and connection to sustainable travel
Best practices of travelers when embarking in an ecotourism experience
Need for change in traveler behavior and choice
Participation in Class Activities (pre, during and post trip)
Class Daily Journal 8 submissions – 100 points
Assignment – Tourist Experience 50 points
Videos– “Living” Green Travel Guide 2 vlogs - 50 points
Research Article Review 50 points
Final Presentation 50 points
TOTAL: 300 points
Instructor: Amanda Cecil, PhD
Office: PE 264
course syllabus