Madison Crisler

Masters of Kinesiology student | IUPUI

"For your own success to be real, it has to contribute to the success of others." -Eleanor Roosevelt

I was born and raised in Fort Wayne, Indiana where I learned about diversity, hard work, and empathy. These traits are what helped lead me in the direction I am headed today. With Fort Wayne being the second biggest city in Indiana, I was able to meet a large variety of people with all different kinds of backgrounds. I went to a Montessori school from pre-school through middle school. This environment taught me how much I loved to help others through the volunteer hours that were expected and the underlying message of peace relayed throughout the schooling environment. Being in a Montessori school helped me learn to not only work well with others, it also helped me learn to manage my time. I chose IUPUI because there is no better place to get experiences like Indianapolis, the opportunities are endless. Kinesiology has always been an interested of mine. No matter the change in my career goals, learning about the human body and how it moves has always caught my attention. The biggest thing I loved about Kinesiology is the broadness of the field. I have tailored my studies to my passions and I hope to take my knowledge and skills to benefit a larger scale audience.

Personal Summary

Some of the biggest reasons I am who I am today are because of the way I was raised, and I am extremely grateful for the way things have turned out. I think transitioning from a small Montessori school (only about 600 kids, grades 1-6) to one of the biggest high schools in Fort Wayne (roughly 2-3,000 kids, grades 9-12) made me really learn who I was, there were so many people I had to figure out how to navigate my way through high school making friends and connecting with my peers. This major transition made me realize I prefer a larger more diverse community, compared to a smaller tight knit community like my previous school. I think this is why I really love Indianapolis.

Another reason I am who I am would be my parents and my older sister. My parents were both in college, working 2 jobs each and they had my older sister who was just a baby at the time. Not only did they both finish college while they had a young child, but they both also continued on to get further education as well. This proved to me that you can make anything possible if you work hard enough. Later on, my older sister went to college and not only did she work multiple jobs at once as well, but she also was a part of Greek life and continued to get straight A's, further driving home the idea that everyone is capable of so much more than they think. My sister went on to attend and graduate from Law school.


1. Harmony - I look for areas of agreement.

2. Woo - I win others over.

3. Positivity - I am generous with praise, quick with smile, and always on the look out for the positive in the situation.

4. Empathy - I can sense the emotions of those around me.

5. Communication -I like to explain, to describe, to host, to speak in public, or to write.

This is my puppy, Maye! She is an English Mastiff and Great Dane mix. She was born in September of 2020 and my boyfriend surprised me with her just a few days before Thanksgiving in 2020! She is super sweet and smart. When I am not working, doing schoolwork, or volunteering I like to spend my time cuddling, playing with or training Maye.

This is my boyfriend Cole. We have been together since 2016. Cole is my number 1 supporter and helps push me to be the best version of myself everyday. He is my best friend and makes everyday fun. We like to hike at state parks and travel, eat at local restaurants and play with our puppy Maye.