Life-Health Sciences Internship

For my internship this year I am working with Dr. Megan McHenry and we are researching child development and behavior. I've met with her research team who are developing an ABA program for caregivers and physicians that explain misbehavior and communication in children with Autism in low- and middle-income countries. This has given me experience in a professional meeting setting, the ability to ask questions about the team's research, and to do some beneficial background research on my own. I've also spent a large amount of time entering and verifying data in REDCap.

My main project that I'm completing during my internship is a systematic review of interventions for children with neuro-disabilities and developmental delays in low- and middle-income countries. We are working with a team from Chicago and I will specifically be focusing on reviewing interventions on children with cerebral palsy. This is a project that I'm very excited for, because I know cerebral palsy is a disability that I will see in children as a physical therapist in the future.

The Steps of a Systematic Review

This video will explain more of what a systematic review is and the basic steps it takes to completing one.

Internship Goals

  • To build relationships with professionals working in the same area that I am studying.

During my internship I am focusing on having strong communication while meeting with different professionals. Opportunities that I've had to build strong relationships have been meeting biweekly with our research team to discuss our project of writing a systematic review. I also attended professional meetings with my supervisor and her research team from a different global project they are working on. Throughout these meetings, I've been able to communicate build relationships with researchers from IU, Purdue, Chicago, an IU medial librarian, and professionals in Kenya, Africa.

  • To learn how to organize data and research within my Internship site.

I spent a lot of time entering and verifying data for the team's research throughout this internship. I learned effective ways to stay organized and analyze data from my responsibilities in this internship. Another skill that I gained during the completion of this goal was my detail-oriented skills. I learned that no detail is too small, and precision and accuracy are very important in this field.

  • To increase my problem-solving skills and confidence in myself in the workplace.

During my internship, I spent a lot of time working independently on our research. This allowed me to have to be confident in my work since I didn't complete it with a group of people. I increased my confidence and problem solving skills when I was working independently, and was still able to ask questions when I met with my supervisor and the research team.

  • To complete the full systematic review and get our work published.

This summer, I will continue working with Dr. McHenry to complete the systematic review since it is not yet finished. I'm looking forward to learning more about the process and details of completing this next step, and our ultimate goal is to get all of our work published once we are finished.

My Project Summary

Cerebral Palsy (CP) is a common disorder in children that affects muscle movement and coordination. It is caused by abnormal brain development, oftentimes due to the lack of delivering oxygen and nutrients to the brain while a child is in the womb or during the birthing process. The prevalence of severe cases of CP is very high in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (LMIC’s) which is due to worse neonatal outcomes as well as limited rehabilitation resources available in these settings. A systematic review is being conducted to explore and summarize the existing interventions for children with CP in LMIC’s, so this knowledge can be used for future research and clinical policies. Eight databases were used to extract 9,821 articles for this review. These articles were then thoroughly analyzed by abstract screening and underwent an exclusion process based on specific selection criteria. Screenings were done individually and any discrepancies were discussed by the team before retrieving the full text articles. The team is currently working on reviewing these selected full text articles to continue the refining process. I will be analyzing and summarizing the articles containing interventions for children with CP in LMIC’s to write a systematic review on this topic by April of 2022.

Updated Showcase Poster.pptx

Learning and Skills

Having this internship allowed me to further my professional development in many ways. First, it gave me the chance to mix the environments of working as a team and working individually. Since my internship is a mix of these working styles it gave me the opportunity to continue to strengthen my collaborative team-working skills as well as my independent hard working skills. I was able to learn how to be a dependable researcher while continuing to be a responsible, dedicated, and motivated worker. This internship also gave me perspective and experience relating to child disabilities and behavior, which is something that I will encounter in my career someday as a Pediatric Physical Therapist.

I spent a lot of my time verifying and analyzing data as well as attending professional meetings with the research team. I contributed by using my organization and hard working skills while verifying the data and communicating my findings to the team. I also developed many detail-oriented skills throughout our systematic review project since I read many articles and extracted specific data. I'm very excited to continue to strengthen these skills as I work with Dr. McHenry over the summer as well. Collecting data, organizing, and reading research are tasks that I will continue to do as a Physical Therapist.

My internship has fit in with the classes I'm taking in many ways. First, it has shown me the overall significance of statistics in research. I took a statistics class during the fall semester of 2021, and we covered topics like variance in data, hypothesis testing, analyzing data, and much more. I've seen how these topics are used in research through my data entering and verification responsibilities. I've also learned a lot about children with cerebral palsy so far, and I will continue to learn through the completion of our systematic review. Disabilities like this one are ones that have been mentioned in my classes and are what I will continue to learn about in the upcoming years.

During my internship, I've learned how to properly enter and verify data in a database, how to work and collaborate with a research team to create a systematic review on a topic that is relative to my field of study, and how to increase my communication, time management, and organization skills. My favorite part of the work that I do is when the team and I come together to meet about what we've been working on and discuss our progress. When we see everything coming together with our research it's such a great feeling. This internship has brought so many great experiences along with it, and I'm very grateful for everything I've learned so far.

The Workplace

After spending time with many professionals in the workplace, I've noticed many behaviors and traits from these role-models that I would love to have as a professional. Many of the researchers that I've worked/met with have been very experienced, prepared, and passionate. I think these three descriptions make a very good and hard worker, and it's a big goal of mine to be similar to them in my future. In order to grow as a professional, I would love to focus on getting more experience in this area. I didn't have many previous opportunities to study child development and behavior before this internship, so it can be challenging to offer my opinion on a topic that other researchers are much more experienced in. However, I hope to use this as an opportunity to strengthen my knowledge in this area of study so in my future I will be able to help even more.

At the beginning of my internship I assumed that I would be focusing on just one task throughout the whole year. However, Dr. McHenry has been giving me so many amazing opportunities and ideas to further my professional development through her research. I haven't only been doing one singular thing, and I'm so grateful for that. Each project and idea she has introduced to me has given me skills and experiences that I will use in my future.

My internship has allowed me to work with other researchers from many diverse cultures that are different than mine. Our research teams meet on zoom regularly, so we are able to work with professionals from all over the country. We've even met with a physician that lives in Kenya. This experience is one that I'll never forget, because I've been able to learn about other areas of living and cultures that I haven't been introduced to before.


In my opinion, teamwork is one of the most important keys to success. I have many different strengths that will allow me to be a good team member including respectfulness, dedication, and trustworthiness. I am always respectful to those around me because I believe everyone should be treated with respect and doing this makes a better working environment. I am very dedicated to any job or task that I have, which allows me to be successful in a group setting because my coworkers will always be able to depend on me to give it my all. Lastly, I am very trustworthy. Trust is very important when working as a team, especially when your job affects others- like physical therapy. My coworkers, patients, and supervisors can always trust me to do my best and be an efficient worker. Throughout my LHSI internship my research team and I had great teamwork because of our respectful, dedicated, and trustworthy environment.

Successes And Challenges

As an intern, I've been the most successful with the progress I've made in our systematic review. I've never been a part of writing a review before and at first I wasn't sure what it would encounter. However, I'm proud of myself for learning a lot about our topic and how to write a review so I can efficiently work on screening articles, extracting data from full-texts, and creating this review with a great team of researchers.

So far, the most challenging part of my experience as an intern was adjusting to the flexibility of my own work hours. I meet with my supervisor and the research team regularly, but when I'm completing tasks on my own I found it hard to stay productive since I could work on it whenever I decided to. I overcame this challenge by setting a schedule for when I would work on my internship, like a schedule that would've been given to me. I would give myself a specific amount of time to get a task done, and I was much more efficient and successful this way.

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