

My name is Clemette Morris, and I am a senior Health Sciences major with a minor in Global and International Studies. I intend to go to graduate school after graduating from IUPUI in pursuit of a career in global health. I am in the Honors College and had a role as a peer mentor. I am interested in working towards educating the community and/or participating in the improvement and implementation of public health policies. As an Honors student, I have been able to complete a variety of research projects that have involved public health topics, including food insecurity, obesity, mental health, the opioid epidemic, and a variety of other issues. I would like to work in utilizing knowledge from a variety of different fields to address an abundance of public health issues that are affecting not only the state and country but also other countries and the entire world. Overall, I am interested in positions that will have me working directly with the community and other people to improve the health of the population.

This site will show my current experiences, goals, and accomplishments, as well as my future aspirations.

Clemette Morris resume (1)


My resume includes my undergraduate career so far. It includes my academic information, general experience, and campus involvement.

It features my education and honors, experience, campus and community involvement, skills, and research and publications.