Academic portfolio

In this section, I have collected a variety of assignments submitted to my courses over my IUPUI career. Some of them include research projects done for Honors credit, but many of them are assigned projects to all students. Each section includes a mention of the course title, as well as the semester.

gendered microaggression

Gendered Microaggression

Introduction to International Studies - Fall 2020

The Argument For Open Borders

Introduction to International Studies - Fall 2020

open borders
k103 honors - spring 2020.docx

Leptospirosis In Humans

Concepts of Biology II - Spring 2020 - Honors Research Project

The Effect of COVID-19 On People With Disabilities

Disability & Society - Fall 2020 - Honors Research Project

h264 honors
Infantile Digital Fibromatosis

Infantile Digital Fibromatosis

Medical Terminology - Fall 2020

Contraception Access In Underserved Communities

Giving and Volunteering - Spring 2022

Social Issue Brief