About Me

Class Standing 

I am a senior majoring in Biology and a minor in Spanish on the pre-medicine track to become an OB/GYN. I chose these majors because learning about life through the scientific lens has always interested me. Spanish is a particular passion project of mine. I have always been compelled to learn more about other cultures, specifically Spanish-speaking countries. Therefore, my goal is to become fluent in Spanish, which will allow me to treat more of my future patients. 

Career Choice

I always knew that I wanted to become a doctor ever since I was a kid, but it took me longer to figure out a specialty. It wasn't until I was ~12 years old that my little sister was born, and I got to watch the OB team interact with one another and my mother. It was AMAZING to watch this team work together to help bring life into the world, and I just knew that I wanted to be a part of it. 

As I gained more experience with research through the International Baccalaureate program, college courses, and my apprenticeship, I realized that research also fascinates me. Therefore, by becoming an OB/GYN, I can also aid in being a researcher in advancing women's reproductive health because it's a field that has been heavily overlooked.


My strengths as a team member include the confidence to lead and delegate tasks. When assessing a situation, I can problem-solve by brainstorming different solutions and weighing the benefits and consequences of each of them. Then in the team, we collectively decide which is the correct route to follow and the methods to properly execute the plan. These skills also include listening and giving feedback. It is crucial to identify ways for the team to improve in a group. By listening to my team members, I can evaluate everyone's thoughts. I can contribute by offering my own ideas and giving others feedback. I have discovered that my listening skills are a recognized attribute because they connect with participants and team members to learn each other's stories.

ExperienceS AND Involvement 

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Indiana University Student Outreach Clinic 

I have been volunteering since Jan. 2023 in the Ronald McDonald Family Room in the Maternity Ward of Riley Hospital and it's a great experience. It's a unique perspective since I have the closing shift (5p-8p), so I see a lot of patients and their family members who want a place to relax outside of their hectic hospital room for a minute. Whether they want a place to eat, nap, grab a massage, or have someone to rant to, I provide them with that space! 

In my final semester at IUPUI, I finally had time to complete my Spanish minor. I got to brush up on my speaking skills with Spanish Conversation and Diction and correct my grammar with Spanish Grammar. My Spanish-speaking class has a service learning component, and I get to volunteer as a Spanish Interpreter in the IU Student Outreach Clinic. It was nerve-wracking at first to effectively interpret what the healthcare volunteers were saying to the patients and vice-versa, but I fell in love with the experience after the nerves subsided. It truly is fulfilling to begin accomplishing my wish of aiding Spanish-speaking patients and bridging gaps in the healthcare system. 

Chancellor's Student Advisory Board

The Chancellor's Student Advisory Board (CSAB) is a team of students who advocate for the student body to the Chancellor. Throughout the year, we divide into two groups to conduct our research projects to improve IUPUI. My team is dedicated to improving nutritional awareness among first-year students. If we intervene early with first-year students, then it'll help them set themselves up for success throughout college. When we eat well, we'll feel well, and perform well. 

Norman Brown Diversity and Leadership Scholarship Program

The Norman Brown Diversity and Leadership Scholarship Program (NBDLSP) is a scholarship program rewarded to underrepresented academically excellent students interested in raising their cultural awareness and becoming involved on campus through social and justice activities. I've been a Norman Brown scholar all four years of college and was a Leadership Council member for one! 

As a leadership council member, I helped plan the All-Scholars meetings and events for the year. I advocated for fellow scholars and enjoyed it. 

Walmart - Personal Shopper

A photo of me in my Walmart vest my first summer working there.

I worked at Walmart for two summers (2020-2021) as a personal shopper. As a personal shopper, I actively develop my independence, leadership skills, how to take part in a team, and customer service skills. This job experience truly taught me how to be a team member. Although I have worked on projects in school, it's been with people that I am confident with since I see and interact with them daily. However, with this job, I knew no one. Therefore, I had to step outside my comfort zone and still be confident working alongside people I did not know.  

A photo of the wall of certificates showing the Walmart associates trained to be Personal Shoppers

I can with confidence say that I dislike tasks with constant physical labor! I am more confident using my brain, computers, and hands to work on projects. Working 40+ weeks with 9-hour shifts made me physically and mentally strong. Before this job, I never had to consistently lift heavy objects and move them throughout the store while maintaining a smile on my face to interact with customers. Bonding with my coworkers was terrific, in addition to the kind customers that would come in. Still, I am not built for consistent physical labor! You don't think about how heavy huge grocery orders are until you're completing hundreds of them a day! 

First-Year Biology Apprenticeship Program

During my freshman year (FA2020-SP2021), I was matched to work inside a laboratory on the IUPUI campus under the supervision of Dr. Rick Frey. As a result, I developed laboratory skills for my future biology courses at this lab. These skills include the autoclave, titration, sanitation of laboratory materials, creating Agar plates, etc.

I sincerely enjoyed preparing the genetics class' labs because I was a part of their academic journey! Each morning I worked in the Prep lab, I ensured that all the materials were at each station, especially since each student needed to be spaced out for social distancing. When I had recipes to create, I appreciated the new skill of creating another substance that the experiment required for the class. It definitely tested my interests as a scientist and proved that this field mesmerizes me. 


