

One of my most recent experiences was working with a team on a research project through the MURI program at IUPUI. I worked with the team starting the fall semester of my freshman year through the summer up until July 31st, 2020. The project was "Preparation and Modeling of Cells and Materials for 3D Bioprinting." One of my main responsibilities in the project was looking through previous research publications to try and find a way to apply the use of our sample and an EPR experiment to the goals of our project. I also had to learn how to use the EPR machine and how to read the data. I enjoyed this experience because I got to learn a lot about research and science in general, and it was really interesting to see how much teamwork goes into these projects. My favorite part, however, was our work on this project after the pandemic started. We shifted to work completely online, and one of our mentors decided to add a different task to the project; designing, modeling and 3D printing different types of personal protective equipment (PPE) and covid nasopharyngeal swabs. Since there is a complicated process to actually having these 3D printed materials approved, we only printed them to see the finished products, not for actual use. This was still a really interesting and great learning experience because I got to learn several new skills I probably never would have tried learning otherwise, and it was fun to be able to apply aspects of our project to things currently happening in healthcare all over the world.

Another one of my favorite experiences is volunteering and giving back to the Latinx community in Indiana. One of my most recent volunteering experiences was at a food drive for Latinx families with Su Casa Columbus. I loved this experience because our volunteer group was able to make a positive impact for these families who needed assistance. One of my big reasons for wanting to go into medicine is because of healthcare disparities that many POC face, and experiences like this help remind me to keep going and keep giving back to my community.

Su Casa Columbus does a lot of amazing work and I hope on doing more volunteering with them in the future.

Recently, I have become involved in the Latino Student Association on campus and am currently a member of the PR committee. As a PR committee member, I get to help with creating any event flyers, promoting events, and will also be assisting in the creation of the LSA website. I have also gained some leadership experience through this, and have been able to lead and host my own events for members.