About Me

Who am I?

I am a sophomore at IUPUI on a pre-medical track, pursuing my degree in Health Sciences and a minor in Medical Sociology. This past summer (2020) I received my certification to work as a Spanish Medical Interpreter. I am very passionate about issues such as public health, health disparities and inequalities, and bridging gaps in medicine due to language, systemic, or social barriers.

Why Health Sciences?

I started out college as a Neuroscience major, but recently switched to the Health Sciences major. Although I loved my neuroscience classes, I found that Health Sciences would be a better major fit for me because of the variety of classes it encompasses. I really enjoy learning about health and I love that this major covers so many broad areas of health, such as nutrition, how care is delivered, legal aspects of health, etc.

My strengths

I am always looking to learn and grow as a person. Some of my current strengths would include organization, communication, time management, and being a good listener. Although I do consider those my strengths, I do recognize that there is still room for improvement and I know I can further strengthen these skills as I obtain more responsibilities and opportunities throughout my undergraduate education.

Introduction Video