Drive 2022
Diwali is a Festival of Lights and we invite you to spark some joy for our migrant brothers alongside us!
Whether or not you celebrate Deepavali, we hope you can find it in you to make a small contribution to brighten the lives of our workers during the Festival of Lights by bringing a little festive flavour to them this Deepavali.
We are conducting a festive drive-by event for Deepavali on 15 October 2022, Saturday. We invite members of the public to sponsor & deliver pizzas, Deepavali snacks and treats to migrant workers at their workplaces or to road workers they come across.
Sharing of food and treats are hallmarks of any holiday, as it is with Deepavali and we want to make sure our workers are not left out!
Here's how you can contribute to make Diwali festive for our migrant worker brothers:
Buy a Pizza or Samosas
Buy a Pizza or some Samosas for our Deepavali DriveBy event on Oct 15, 2022. These treats will be handed out to migrant workers at their workplaces or dormitories.
Buy a Pizza: Click Here
Buy some Samosas: Click Here
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Donate to ItsRainingRaincoats' page
You may also choose to donate to our Giving.Sg Deepavali campaign
The funds will be used to purchase Deepavali snacks, sweets, pizzas and data cards for migrant workers as identified by ItsRainingRaincoats.
Deepavali Drive&Distribute on Saturday
15 October, 2022
15 October, 2022
On 15 October, 2022, we plan to do a drive by distributing food to the workers around 11am.
Volunteers with cars are welcome to assist with distributions, and others can help us man booths and support the logistics.
For now we will log your interest to volunteer. Further volunteering information will be released in due course.
Diwali Treats & Care Packs
Food and Communal Sharing are hallmarks of any holiday, as it is with Diwali.
Please consider sponsoring meals, sweets or chocolates, or care packs for our migrant worker brothers as a festive treat.
We have workers in groups of 25 persons to 2000 persons, so you can get together with your friends and family and let us know how many workers you would like to support.
Click here for more information to contact our volunteers that will help make arrangements