Pengabdian Masyarakat

2021_SoftSkill Improvement as aData Update Effort in the Mekarsaluyu Village Development Program.pdf

Soft Skill Improvement as a Data Update Effort in the Mekarsaluyu Village Development Program

Utami, Wahyu Buana Putra, Dian Duhita Study Program of Architecture, Faculty of Architecture and DesignInstitut Teknologi Nasional Bandung,,, January 31, 2021, accepted March 02, 2021)
Natural wealth is an enormous gift. Located in northern part of Bandung, in a mountainous area, Mekarsaluyu Village has vast natural potential. The cool air, beautiful scenery, and the existence of rivers and contoured land, and the culture in the form of art and traditional music and culinary make the village has a unique local wealth. However, the local wealth available has not been managed well. The potential referred to has not yet had an optimal positive impact both on the social and economic life of its inhabitants. The background of this problem gives encouragement to empower the people of Mekarsaluyu Village by planning a tourist village development program with the theme of ecotourism. To design the program, it was necessary to collect data on the existing conditions in Mekarsaluyu Village, covering the physical aspects of natural resources and the non-physical aspects of the socio-cultural community. Getting real, accurate, and actual needs necessary to update the data and complete the lack of required data, were important for determining the ecotourism village program's planning. Therefore, the aim of this work was to carry out community service in counseling on updating data for Mekarsaluyu Village residents. The method used was in the form of training and assistance in filling out data. The writing team prepared the necessary database format tools in data variables related to the ecotourism village planning program. Then together with the residents, simulated the form filling. The results obtained from this community service are the ability of villager residents to fill in actual data independently with accuracy and validity related to physical data on the natural geographical conditions and Mekarsaluyu Village's socio-cultural community.
Keywords: natural resource; training; updating data; village development

Focus Group Discussion (FGD) Pengrajin Rotan Kampung Wisata Rotan Galmantro Desa Tegalwangi Kabupaten Cirebon

Nitih Indra Komala Dewi1,*, Lilis Widaningsih1, Tutin Aryanti1, Trias Megayanti1,Restu Minggra1, Wahyu Buana Putra21Fakultas Pendidikan Teknologi dan Kejuruan, UPI, Bandung, Indonesia2Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan, ITENAS, Bandung, Indonesia*
Kerajinan rotan merupakan produk andalan Kabupaten-Kota Cirebon. Industri rotan Cirebon pernah menguasai 90 % pangsa pasar rotan dunia pada masa kejayaannya dengan nilai ekspor mencapai ratusan juta USD (, 2012). Industri rotan mengalami keterpurukan sekitar tahun 1998 ketika terjadinya krisis ekonomi. Adanya kebijakan pemerintah tentang pemberlakuan ekspor bahan baku rotan, menyebabkan lonjakan harga bahan baku rotan. Di sisi lain, potensi Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) dan dukungan pemerintah belum optimal. Pentingnya peran sebuah institusi perguruan tinggi memberikan kontribusi nyata dalam upaya link and Match antara Perguruan Tinggi, Pengrajin, pelaku Industri, Pemerintah Daerah, dan masyarakat luas dalam mendukung program Kampung Wisata Rotan Galmantro. Disamping itu, perlunya peran seluruh pihak pada penguatan daya saing dari Pengrajin rotan di Kampung Rotan Galmantro melalui Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Metode yang digunakan adalah Partisipatori melalui Focus Group Discussion (FGD). Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk menggali potensi serta permasalahan yang dihadapi para pengrajin serta pelaku industri rotan di Kampung Wisata Rotan Desa Tegalwangi, Kabupaten Cirebon sebagai desa wisata yang dapat dikembangkan sesuai dengan karakteristik wilayah.
Kata kunci : Kampung Wisata Rotan Galmantro; building capacity, peningkatan daya saing, Focus Group Discussion (FGD).

2019_PROSIDING SEMNAS PKM UPI_compressed.pdf