Nanotech & Colloidal Matter LAB

नैनोटेक एवं कोलाइडल पदार्थ प्रयोगशाला

Welcome to Nanotech & Colloidal Matter (NCM) Lab in the Department of Chemical Engineering & Technology of Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi, India.

At the NCM Lab, we are dedicated to advancing the field of nanotechnology and colloidal science through innovative research, cutting-edge experiments, and multidisciplinary collaborations. Our lab is a hub of exploration, where we delve into the fascinating world of nanoscale materials and their applications in various industries.

What We Do:

Why Choose Us:

Join us on our journey as we push the boundaries of nanotechnology and colloidal science. Whether you are a student, researcher, industry partner, or enthusiast, we welcome you to explore our lab, learn about our ongoing projects, and get involved in the exciting world of nanomaterials and colloidal systems.

Contact us today to collaborate, share ideas, or inquire about potential research opportunities. Let's embark on a transformative scientific journey together!