Academic Integrity

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.”

William Shakespeare

As an ISZL student you are responsible for ensuring that all of the work you submit is your own work and that any sources you have used are appropriately acknowledged. It is very important that you read, understand and follow the ISZL academic honesty policy, which states:

We believe that “Academic integrity is a guiding principle in education and a choice to act in a responsible way whereby others can have trust in us as individuals. It is the foundation for ethical decision-making and behaviour in the production of legitimate, authentic and honest scholarly work.” (International Baccalaureate Organisation, 2019).

You are expected to complete all assignments, tasks, tests and quizzes in an honest manner and to the best of your abilities.

Academic misconduct (also called malpractice) includes:

Plagiarism—Presenting someone else’s work (translated, part or whole) as your own.

·  Paraphrasing without citing your sources

·  Failing to credit or acknowledge sources such as quotations, paraphrases, images, videos, music or sound

·  Failing to clearly distinguish between your work and the source being used (by using quotation marks, indentation, or another accepted method)

·  Submitting work written by someone else


Collusion—Supporting academic misconduct by another student.

·  Allowing your work (both classwork and home learning assignments) to be copied by another student


Duplication of work—Submitting the same piece of work to more than one teacher without the permission of all the teachers concerned.

Any other behaviour that gives you an unfair advantage such as:

·  Falsifying or making up data, results or information

·  Misconduct during an examination

·  Disclosing or receiving information to/from another student about the content of a test or examination


You will need to correctly reference your work using the APA (American Psychological Association) style. There is an APA guide in the library group resources folder on Schoology. If you need further advice on how to acknowledge sources accurately you can ask Ms Roberts in the library. You will find the ISZL academic honesty policy in the Middle School handbook.