Subjects and Assessment Criteria

Arts (Drama, Music, Visual arts)

Arts Grade 6


Design Grade 6

Individuals and Societies

I&S Grade 6

Language Acquisition (German, French, Spanish, English)

Language Acquisition (All Phases)

Language and Literature (English, German, First Language)

LL Grade 6


Mathematics Grade 6

Physical and Health Education

Physical and Health Education Grade 6


Sciences Grade 6


You may study a unit across two or more subjects. This type of unit is called an interdisciplinary unit and it will allow you to explore concepts, improve your creativity, problem-solve or raise new questions in a way that is not possible through just one subject. In addition, interdisciplinary units will help you to transfer your learning across different subjects.

Interdisciplinary units have their own set of assessment criteria; you will be marked on your work with your subject criteria as usual, and in addition your work will also be marked with one or more of these criteria:

Rubric to be updated soon.