Class of 2028

Idaho State University L.S. Skaggs College of Pharmacy

Welcome from the Dean

With heartfelt enthusiasm, the faculty and staff extend a warm welcome as you navigate an extraordinary journey at the L.S. Skaggs College of Pharmacy.  Here, you're not simply enrolled in a program; you're entering a profession bursing with boundless potential, offering a future teeming with opportunities.  We take immense pride in being part of your transformative experience, and guiding you through these pivotal years.

You are entering the field of pharmacy during an extraordinary era!  The landscape is brimming with possibilities, presenting diverse career paths, a multitude of jobs, and avenues for leadership and advocacy.  The scope of practice for pharmacists, now more closely aligned with our training and expertise than ever before, will empower you to make a direct and profound impact on healthcare access and outcomes.  The realm of drug discovery and breakthroughs unveils new horizons each day, while the advent of Artificial Intelligence, when utilized properly, promises to revolutionize research, learning, and practice, unveiling boundless growth opportunities.  Surely, a promising and meaningful career lies ahead.

Standing at this juncture, you are on the cusp of your career.  I am reminded of the words spoken by Brutus on the eve of battle, as quoted from Shakespeare's renowned play, Julius Caesar:

'There is a tide in the affairs of men,
Which, taken at the flood, leads on to fortune;
Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries.
On such a full sea are we now afloat...
And we must take the current when it serves or lose our ventures.'

Today feels as if you are 'on such a full sea.'  The tide is in your favor, and the current is strong.  It's now up to you to set sail and venture forth.  Recognize the profound significance of this moment and seize the opportunity that you've carved out for yourself.  I invite you to fully dedicate yourself to your learning journey.  Transformation into our pharmacy profession demands your unwavering dedication, perseverance, and resilience.  Challenges will indeed arise, but it's through these difficulties that you'll emerge even stronger and more capable.  Keep in mind, significant change never comes without sincere effort.  Thus, immerse yourself fully in your studies and in becoming the pharmacist society needs you to be.

Our esteemed faculty members are not only experts in the field of pharmacy but also dedicated educators committed to your success.  They'll serve as your guiding light on the full seas, providing instruction, constructive guidance, and necessary course corrections.  Their role extends beyond the classroom; they embody the essence of being a pharmacist.  Your interactions with them will prove pivotal in your transformation and integration into this noble profession.

Lastly, as you step into the L.S. Skaggs College of Pharmacy, remember you are now part of a legacy that dates back to 1920 at Idaho State University.  The bedrock of our institution and profession was forged by those who preceded you.  You will benefit from this foundation and legacy as you gain the knowledge and professional identity of an ISU pharmacy alumnus.

You, our student pharmacists, are now the torchbearers of pharmacy's future.  You must embrace this identity and the profound responsibility of being a pharmacist.  The trust bestowed upon you will serve as both a lesson and a reward, and within this respected program, that trust will be learned and earned.  We eagerly anticipate your journey of growth and accomplishment as you ascend within the pharmacy profession.


Tom Wadsworth, PharmD, BCPS
Dean & Associate Professor

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