
Training for Law Enforcement

The Department has provides training for students and law enforcement in mock forensic searches and recoveries on the ISU campus as well as classroom courses for POST credit on topic such as human vs. non-human identification, building the biological profile, and the roles and contributions of forensic anthropology.

New training opportunites are being developed. So, check back here for more information and schedules!

See the "Services" section for more information and to arrange training opportunities.

Community Engagement & Education

This section is under construction, but will be updated!

ISU student maintained Idaho Missing and Missing and Murdered Indigenous People Info and GIS Database. (Click to explore and add cases)

ISU student designed and maintained information.

Dr. Blatt has been a professional consultant and ally for the Trans Doe Task Force (TDTF) and Redgrave Rsearch since 2020 and the DNA Doe Project (DDP) since 2019.  See the "In the News" tab for more information or visit the websites for more information.

Trans Doe Task Force

DNA Doe Project

Redgrave Research

TRANScending Jane and John Doe Webinar

April 2, 2021, 10:00AM-4:15PM (MST)

This even was live streamed and recorded on Zoom, YouTube, and Facebook. Contact Dr. Blatt for more information and to discuss training on this topic for law enforcement.

Missed this event? You can access the Webinar slides and recordings here.

Access the LAMMP (LGBTQ+ Accountability for Missing and Murdered Persons) database and map here.

To the Academy and Beyond: A Bioarchaeology Jobs Forum

Society for American Archaeology, April 17th, 2021