

Munley K.M., Wade K.L. Pradhan D.S. Uncovering the seasonal brain: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) as a biochemical approach for studying seasonal social behaviors. Hormones and Behavior, 142: 105161


Kay C., Delehanty D.J., Pradhan D.S., Grinath, J.B. 2021. Climate change and wildfire induced alteration of fight-or-flight behavior. Climate Change Ecology, 1: 100012


Pradhan D.S., Van Ness, R., Jalabert, C., Hamden, J.E., Austin S.H., Soma K.K., Ramenofsky M., and Schlinger B.A. 2019. Phenotypic flexibility of glucocorticoid signaling in skeletal muscles of a songbird preparing to migrate. Hormones and Behavior, 116: 104586

Pradhan D.S., Ma C., Schlinger B.A., Soma K.K., and Ramenofsky M. 2019. Preparing to migrate: expression of androgen signaling molecules and insulin-like growth factor-1 in muscles of a long distance migrant. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 205: 113-123


Rensel M.A., Ding J.A., Pradhan D.S., and Schlinger B.A. 2018. 11b-HSD Types 1 and 2 in the songbird brain. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 9: 86

Eaton J., Pradhan D.S.*, Barske J., Fusani L., Canoine V., and Schlinger, B.A. 2018. Differential expression of 3b-HSD in the CNS of two passerine songbirds. General and Comparative Endocrinology, 256: 43-49


Schuppe E.R., Pradhan D.S., Thonkulpitak K., Drilling C., Black M., and Grober M.S. 2017. Sex differences in neuromuscular androgen receptor expression and sociosexual behavior in a sex changing fish. PLoS ONE 12(5): e0177711


Schuppe E.R., Solomon-Lane T.K., Pradhan D.S., Thonkulpitak K., and Grober M.S. 2017. Ancestral androgenic differentiation pathways are repurposed during evolution of adult sexual plasticity. Evolution and Development 18(5-6):285-296 (Cover Art)

Comito D., Pradhan D.S., Karleen, J.B., and Schlinger, B.A. Region-specific rapid regulation of aromatase activity in zebra finch brain. Journal of Neurochemistry 136: 1177-1185


Solomon-Lane T.K., Pradhan D.S., Willis M.C., and Grober M.S. 2015. Agonistic reciprocity is associated with reduced male reproductive success within haremic social networks. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 282 (1181) (Cover Art)

Pradhan D.S., Willis M.C., Thonkulpitak K., Solomon-Lane T.K., and Grober M.S. 2015. Simultaneous courtship and parenting in males and sex role reversal in females in the haremic bluebanded goby, Lythrypnus dalli. Behaviour, 152:917-940.

Pradhan D.S., Solomon-Lane T.K. and Grober M.S. 2015. Contextual modulation of social and endocrine correlates of fitness: insights from the life-history of a sex changing fish. Frontiers in Neuroscience, 8: 432.


Pradhan D.S., Solomon-Lane T.K. and Grober M.S. 2014. Water-borne and tissue endocrine profiles of an alternative male reproductive phenotype in the sex changing fish, Lythrypnus dalli. Copeia, 4: 716-724.

Pradhan D.S., Solomon-Lane T.K., Willis M.C. and Grober M.S. 2014. A mechanism for rapid neurosteroidal regulation of parenting behaviour. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B., 281(1786).

Solomon-Lane T.K., Willis M.C., Pradhan D.S. and Grober M.S. 2014. Female, but not male, agonistic behaviour is associated with reproductive success in stable bluebanded goby (Lythrypnus dalli) hierarchies. Behaviour, 151: 1367-1387.

Pradhan D.S., Connor K.R., Pritchett E.M., and Grober M.S. 2014. Contextual modulation of androgen effects on agonistic interactions. Hormones and Behavior, 65(1): 47-56 (Cover art)


Pradhan D.S. and Soma K.K. 2012. Regulation of 3b-HSD activity in the songbird brain. Journal of Ornithology, 153, Supplement 1: 227-234


Pradhan D.S., Lau, L.Y.M.*, Schmidt K.L., and Soma, K.K. 2010. 3b-HSD Activity in Songbird Brain: Subcellular Localization and Rapid Regulation by Estradiol. Journal of Neurochemistry, 115: 667-675

Pradhan, D. S., Newman, A.E.M., Wacker, D.W., Wingfield, J.C., Schlinger, B.A., and Soma, K.K. 2010. Aggressive interactions rapidly increase androgen synthesis in the brain during the non-breeding season. Hormones and Behavior, 57(4):381-389 (Cover art)


Schmidt, K.L., Pradhan, D.S., Shah, A.H., Charlier, T. D., Chin, E. H., and Soma, K.K. 2008. Neurosteroids, Immunosteroids, and the Balkanization of Endocrinology. General and Comparative Endocrinology 157: 266-274

Newman, A. E. M., Pradhan, D. S., and Soma, K. K. 2008. DHEA and corticosterone are regulated by season and acute stress in a wild songbird: jugular versus brachial plasma. Endocrinology 149(5): 2537-2545

Schlinger, B.A., Pradhan, D.S., and Soma, K.K. 2008. 3b-HSD activates DHEA in the songbird brain. Neurochemistry International 52: 611-620

Pradhan, D.S., Yu Y., and Soma, K.K. 2008. Rapid estrogen regulation of DHEA metabolism in the male and female songbird brain. Journal of Neurochemistry 104: 244-253