
Alex Wooding successfully defends his MS thesis

Oct 2022

Ian Curnutt gives a Poster Blast and Poster presenentation at the annual Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology congerence in Atlanda, GA

June 2022

Anna Jirik presents her poster at the annual INBRE meeting in Moscow, ID

July 2022

Shanna Barber presents her poster at the SACNAS NDiSTEM conference

Nov 2022

June 2022 MS student Katrina White successfully defends her thesis

June 2022 Pradhan Lab receives the NSF CAREER grant - funded for the next 5 years!

June 2022 Shanna Barber receives travel award to present at the annual SACNAS National Diversity in STEM conference in Puerto Rico!

Mar 2022 Ian Curnutt receives a SARE award for Summer 2022!

Mar 2022 First publication from the lab!

Mar 2022 Dr. Pradhan invited to give a presentation in honor of Women's History Month for ISU's SACNAS chapter. Participants included female students and professors in STEM, including a 6 year old!

Mar 2022 Jeremy Starkey, first MS student defended his thesis on March 8.

Mar 2022 Alex Wooding honored as one of the ISU Outstanding Student Award recipients of 2022!

Jan 2022 Anna Jirik, Shanna Barber, and Alex Wooding present at SICB 2022

Dec 2021 Anna Jirik selected as one of 11 Summer 2022 INBRE fellows!

Nov 2021 Anna Jirik receives ISU'S Undergraduate Honors Program Research Funding Award

Nov 2021 Shanna Barber receives an Undergraduate Travel Award from ISU's Office for Research to present at SICB 2022

Nov 2021 Graduate student Alex Wooding gives a seminar to members of Kelly Creek Flycasters Club in honor of receiving the 2021 Scholarship

Students present at INBRE 2021

July 2021. Undergraduate student Melissa Rivas and graduate student Katrina White received INBRE fellowships and presented at the annual conference in Moscow.

June 2021 Lab members present posters at the Society for Behavioral Neuroendocrinology (SBN) virtual meeting. Anna Jirik wins best poster award!

Popular Press Coverage

2022 Dr. Pradhan in Women's History Month Podcast Spotlight in the Blog associated with the journal Integrative and Comparative Biology

2022 Pathways: Finding Inspiration Through Experience

2021 Desde Abajo: Roots to STEM, SACNAS ISU.

2020 Featured Artist in Art in Bio – the 1st in an ICB/IOB Blog series, A blog associated with the Journal Integrative and Comparative Biology.

2019 Interview, Idaho State Journal

2014 Brain steroids make good dads: fish study provides insight; ScienceDaily EurekAlert!

2010 Research Highlighted in the article “Rapid Effects of Steroid Hormones on Animal Behavior" Nature Education Knowledge