Mr. Nixon's Tik Tok

You goal is to act out the Mr. Nixon's Tik Tok's for your Physical Activity

Here are the goals:

First......turn on your favorite music or songs.....then.....

1) Repeat the video exactly how I do it

2) Can you add how long you run for in the video without stopping

3) How long can you repeat the video, but adding in some breaks

4) Can you add in any other locomotor movements, like skipping, galloping, hopping, crab walk, bear walk or just dancing,

5) Can you be the PE instructor and have your siblings, friends, or parents try to act out the video. Let's have a contest, "who can perform the Tik Tok video the best, funniest, most creative"?

Are you getting your 60 minutes of activity a day?

Did you know activity can literally be as simple as getting up and going for a walk. Walking with others is even better.

Here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Can you walk in your yard, driveway, sidewalk or any area near where you live for 5 minutes?

  • Can you pick a location somewhere and walk to it?

  • How many locations can you walk to in the time you are walking?

  • Can you pick a challenging location like walking up a hill or steps? Or how about down a hill or steps?

  • If you have access to a pedometer, smartwatch or don't have any of that you can literally just count how many steps you get?

  • A good goal is 10,000 steps a day. What can you get close to, or can you beat that?

  • On a nature walk, how many animals can you spot? How many different trees? How many different colors can you spot outside?

  • Can you feel your exercise heart rate increasing (meaning that you heart beats faster after walking than when you were sitting)

  • Lastly enjoy being outside and the gift that brings you.

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