AI.EDU Research Lab 2.0: Support of Competencies for Research-based Learning Using Recommender Methods.

The AI.EDU Research Lab is exploring the use of AI in university teaching. In version 2.0, the research focuses on supporting students' competencies, especially in deriving a term paper topic and a related guiding question with recommender systems (RecSys) as well as with generative AI tools. For this purpose, the project is based on the results and experiences of the first research funding.

RecSys, based on different recommender methods, is used as a context-bound combination of AI technologies and didactic design for the purpose of transmitting recommendations to educational stakeholders. In the project, they are used to research and evaluate suitable AI methods to support students in finding a topic and generating a guiding research question for their term paper. A central research topic is, among other things, the transparency and trustworthiness of self-developed AI systems and those already in use. Comparatively, current tools and tasks for innovative applications with generative AI are explored.

This project is a cooperation with Research Cente CATALPA – Center of Advanced Technology for Assisted Learning and Predictive Analytics, FernUniversität in Hagen.



MILKI-PSY: Multimodal Immersives Lernen mit künstlicher Intelligenz für Psychomotorische Fähigkeiten (Multimodal Immersive Learning with Artificial Intelligence for Psychomotor Skills). 

A research consortium around the Cologne Game Lab at TH Köln is developing a learning environment with artificial intelligence to support the independent learning of psychomotor skills. Project partners are the Institute for Product Development and Design Technology (IPK) at TH Köln, the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH), RWTH Aachen University, the Leibniz Institute for Human Development and Educational Information (DIPF), and the German Sport University Cologne (DSHS).

Anyone who wants to learn a sport trains in new psychomotor skills; until now, this has required role models such as on-site teachers who explain, demonstrate, and assess specific procedures. As part of the joint research project MILKI-PSY, a consortium led by the Cologne Game Lab at TH Köln, is developing a learning environment with artificial intelligence (AI) to support the training process. 

The MILKI-PSY project designs an innovative environment for independent learning of psychomotor skills. For this purpose, the correct movement sequences are recorded by trainers using cameras and sensors. A virtual avatar generated from this recording will serve as a model for the learners. For example, it can be displayed on a large screen in an augmented or virtual reality environment. With the help of artificial intelligence and automated error detection, the learning progress is analyzed, and individual feedback is generated.


Tech4compKI: Personalized competence development through scalable mentoring processes.

The joint project tech4comp develops and researches design concepts to make the proven quality of individual mentoring for acquiring competencies measurable. In addition, digital tools are being developed in mentoring learning and exam rooms that teachers can use to supervise many learners and automate mentoring processes through AI-based knowledge services.

Project partners are the University of Leipzig; Technical University Dresden; German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI GmbH); Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg; Technical University of Chemnitz, University of Technology; Economy and Culture Leipzig; Free University of Berlin; RWTH Aachen.


Completed Projects

KIWI-biolab: International future laboratory for AI-based bioprocess development 

The KIWI-biolab – Künstliche Intelligenz für Wissensbasierte Integrierte Biolabore – brings international top scientists in artificial intelligence, machine learning and bioprocess engineering together to explore the opportunities and challenges of automation in biotechnological processes.

Our Future Lab aims to use AI and ML technologies to automatize data analysis on microorganisms and enable computers to plan and optimize experiments independently. The long-term target is to advance towards automatization for a more efficient and sustainable production.

The KIWI-Biolab is a 3 years initiative funded with EUR 4.5 million by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), within the Federal Government’s Strategy for the Internationalization of Education, Science and Research, and the Federal Government’s High-Tech Strategy 2025 frameworks.


Deployment of a learning management system for Can Tho University of Technology (CTUT)

In this project, we aim to deploy a learning management system that can be integrated into CTUT’s teaching and studying activities, through a combination of formal, social, mobile and experiential learning. It facilitates the management, delivery, engagement, and measurement of all CTUT’s elearning courses. The system is going to support more than 100 teachers and 4000 students yearly. 

System deployment:

Engineering and information technology development and application in aquaculture and fisheries

The overall objectives are to study, develop and apply of engineering technology and IT for sustainable development of shrimp farming in the Mekong Delta. The specific objectives are (i) acquiring the pond environment parameters for shrimp farming management, (ii) eExpert System development for aquaculture extension on mobile communication networks, (iii) using of renewable energy in shrimp ponds, and (iv) building an Information system for Aquaculture and Fisheries management.
